fifteen | 15

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Weeks passed by with you and Yangyang's tutor sessions. You can see an improvement and that alone made you motivated to keep on teaching him.

He was too serious and determined to prove something that you even noticed his teases slowly become less and less. Of course, you're happier that way, but you can't help but wonder what's really happening in his life.

To the point that he had to hire a classmate to achieve a high GPA for this quarter.

Fridays once again, you can see a bright smile hanging in Yangyang's face while you walk towards the seat. Just one week before exam, and some workloads are finally acconplished by this time. Students only have to focus to some minimial tasks and in reviewing their notes for the exam. That is most probably why you can see a bigger smile in his face.

"I ordered pancake and drinks for the two of us," He proudly said.

You glared, looking up at him. "I don't--"

"Yes, yes, you don't wanna be treated. You can just pay me now, but wouldn't it be dumb if you pay me then I'll pay you back after all of these? Come on, be realistic and enjoy my treat," Yangyang lightly pat the table while taking his seat. "It's 8 in the morning, don't be too mad."

His explanation was persuasive and you were convinced. Thing is, no matter how much dumb your preference to not be treated, he respects it. He does not even joke about it and you like praise him for that.

You dropped your bag and looked at the food, stomach rumbling in an instant, "Fine.. maybe I should give this one a try."

"Kinda worried if you eat breakfast during Fridays where we have to meet early," He commented, gulping his morning beverage.

"Well, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Depends if my mom is awake," You chuckled, admitting you're not a kitchen person though you can cook some simple meals.

"Here, maple syrup," Yangyang grabbed the bottle and squeezed some on your plate. "It tastes way better with-- Shit."

You did not look up at him and just took a slice from the combination of food he just did. The moment the soft pancakes reached your taste buds, your whole world stop.

"Hey! It does taste g--" Your exclaim ended as your eyes looked up to meet his gaze. "What are you doing? Get some tissue, disgusting!"

"Such a waste!" He commented, giggling as he grabbed a handful of tissue. "But you're right though, its disgusting."

Tissue won't do when he had already licked some of his fingers so you quickly passed him your wipes.

"God, be hygienic," You shook your head.

Despite all the chaos on the table, he managed to laugh, "You sound like an oldie."

"Wipe your upper lip," You growled, disturbed with the fact that there's still some syrup above his lips.

He innocently wipe every part of his face except there.

"I'll grab a mirror," You sighed in defeat, looking at the depth of your school bag.

When you took a few seconds long, Yangyang grabbed your wrist and your forehead wrinkled from the contact. He quickly retreated with your action response and sighed, "Just wipe it yourself."

He is quite right. That is way easier.

With heavy hands, you raised your arms and wiped his upper lips. The fabric having contact to his soft skin made your stomach feel things. His eyes burned intensely towards you when your fingers softly reached his skin. Those orbs of his were fixated only to you that you can feel your gaze shifting in stress.

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