thirty six | 36

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"YangYang! You're here," Sicheng greeted cheerfully upon the arrival of the youngest. "Come eat so--"

"I have no appetite," He bluntly said.

"Oh oh? No appetite?" Ten wore a teasing smirk in his face. "Why will you lose your appetite when you just dropped your girl home?"

They collectively watched the guy stomp his feet upstairs, an unamused expression written in his face.

Sicheng just shrugged before grabbing the food in the table. "Let's just let him be. YangYang needs some time with himself for a moment. After then, we can talk to him."

"Did he.. went to his house?" Hendery tilted his head, the suspicion as to why the man was acting the way he is came up. "I mean, that's the only reason that can make him pissed off. That much."

"Maybe he and Y/N fight, we never know," Xiaojun concluded instead, not possibly thinking YangYang visiting their house.

Because he only do that when it is desperately needed. He never visit it in his own will.

"I wanna go up and talk to him," Ten debated, about to stand up when Kun pushed him back. "Who knows what he must be thinking right now?"

"When someone is mad, Winwin is right. Instead of absorbing all their anger all at once, it is better to give them space," Kun spoke calmly.

"If we've got broken things upstairs, what are you going to do?"

"Pay for people who can clean and organize it, what else." Kun rolled his eyes, stating the obvious.

They ate their dinner like any normal day, having short conversations to not talk about YangYang. Sicheng was the first to finish his food and after putting his plate into the sink, he went straight upstairs.

His quiet footsteps made it in front YangYang's locked door. He was hesitant, of course. But he wanted to help in any way he can, even if it meant having to face his anger.

Sicheng knocked three times, looking skeptical when there was no response. He took a deep breath, "Yang? Are you asleep? This is WinWin hyung. If you don't want me to bother--"

Then the sound of door unlocking responded to his quiet questions. He was relieved to atleast have a go signal. Sicheng did not hesitate to enter the room, the dark place engulfing his figure immediately.

"Is it okay to open the lights?" asked Sicheng, head aching from the dark.

"Sure, go ahead," YangYang sat upright, eyes squinting when the lights were ignited. He waited for a few seconds, trying to make his whole body familiarize the person he is with before shutting his eyelids, finally gathering the strength to open up. "I went to our house earlier."

Then Sicheng was frozen. He slowly looked at his younger friend, and for once, he did not know what to say.

"Your speculations are right," YangYang had a bitter smile after.

"Wait, did you hear us?"

"Nah, I just know you guys are talking about me," YangYang managed to crack a joke, breaking the uncomfortable air. He patted the free seat in his bed, encouraging Sicheng to seat beside.

"Ah.. is that so?" He pulled his earlobe and looked at the younger guy who's staring at his feet. "Why did you drop by your house? Is there something you wanted to talk about them?"

"Yeah, I wanna talk about Y/N," YangYang muttered. "I dropped a word to her, and that is to introduce her to my parents. I don't want to be someone who can't live up to his woeds."

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