five | 5

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"Sip & Sheep — A cup of coffee, for you to be smiley."

Wow, that's a dumb name and a dumb slogan. You mentally commented while Ten maneuvers his car on the parking. Of course, you're not going to say that to him no matter how close both of you are. You still don't know who is the owner.

"Who is he anyway?" You locked your eyes with your senior — but he was dodging it. "I swear--"

"I know how impatient you are. We will see him once we're inside, okay?" He unbuckled his seatbelt and a sly smirk appeared. "Are you backing out? It's already raining so hard. Plus do you even know where we are?"

You groaned, doing the same with your seatbelt. "I give up! I do not have any choice, do I?"


"You could've atleast denied it." You snatched the umbrella infront of you and closed the door, waiting for your senior to settle. As expected, he led the way, running slight to catch up with you against the rain.

The lights were all still flickered close, and you can conclude that it is an indication of the shop still being closed.

Ten texted someone from his phone, and suddenly, he pushed the door open. You gave him a suspicious glance but entered anyway. Perhaps, he asked for a permission to enter.

"Lights in the place please!" He called out gently. He pulled his seat in the middle table, sitting comfortably. You just discreetly followed his direction and pulled a seat infront.

Some light yellow lights illuminated, not being too bright and you're guessing its for the people outside; for them not to notice the place.

The place was big. However, since its not yet that bright, you failed to give a concrete opinion about it. One thing for sure is that its huge, and you're guessing that lots of investments were made and financial support was needed. Materials in a shop is already costly, what more to the location.

"Hey, Ten hyung." Almost in a speed of light, you turned around to see a guy in a black apron, anticipating, for this reveals the mystery about the owner of the coffee shop who claims that he knows you.

But although got a good scan of his face and find him familiar, you figured its not necessarily someone you know.

"Here's the menu," He passed Ten a list of the recipes before slowly turning into you. Bowing lightly, you quickly stood up and did the same.

"Hello..?" You gulped, not knowing what to say.

Should you start with his coffee shop name and dumb slogan?

No, probably not.

"Hi, Jung Y/N." He smiled wide, eyes all turning crescent, his small dimple showing. His porcelain skin reflected the sleepy lights of the coffee shop, and you admire his soft hair grazing gently.

"Don't you guys know each other too?" Ten innocently questioned while scanning the menu. "Woah, these are good shots."

"I.. I think I do." You did not want to embarass him infront of your senior, so you just claimed.

"I'm Huang Renjun." He finally introduced and pulled out his hand. "I'm sorry for not introducing earlier. I'm the only one who knows you. I saw you compete multiple times for the school so I am familiar with your name, and you are.. well, friends of my friends."

"Oh, Renjun. Yup, nice to meet you." You took the seat after shaking his hands, a warm feeling wrapping into you. "I'll go with Caramel Latte."

"Pastries?" Renjun tilted his head, examining your face with a smile.

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