nineteen | 19

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"Hey, can you be honest to me, as a friend?" Those were the words Yujin said after a few minutes of sitting beside you.

"I'm studying."

"I know, and I promise I won't bother you after this, but I'm really curious about something," No matter how Yujin sounds really curious, you refuse to take your eyes off the book you are reading. "What's up with you and YangYang?"

Your eyes scanning the letters instantly paused.

You try, you really tried, to appear like you don't care. But several thoughts clouded before you can think properly.

Is there another rumor?
Did someone see the both of you at the seaside?
Did he posted a picture, which you doubt that he will do?
Did you spill something you can't remember?

You shut your eyes, cussing to yourself and asking why are you even bothered when there's literally nothing to hide.

"What do you mean?" You replied to Yujin.

"I mean, if something is really going on with the both of you, what's up with YangYang?" She asked, making your brow raised in an instant.

His name rings up something inside you that makes you focus all your attention to it.

You flipped the pages aggresively, not absorbing any context. "Shut up. Please. I literally don't care."

"Oh, cause that man is with lots of girls earlier. If nothing's going on with the both of you, then I won't have to hit him in his head," What Yujin said made you pause reading.

Too focused on acting, you unknowingly flipped the pages a little too fast. Your mind was pre-occupied, extremely confused.

Many girls around him? As much as he is famous and how playful he is, you rarely hear rumors about him being a playboy. Why must he have many girls now, then?

Now when he gives you multiple mixed signals.

Or are you just assuming?

"Overthinking Y/N." Yujin chuckled, earning a glare from you. "No one reads that fast."

"I'll transfer seat one more time you say anything stupid." You clicked your tounge.

"Everyone is just really curious, including me-- Fine. I'll shut up." Your friend instantly gets your burning stare and she don't want you to be sure on being mad towards her soon, just because of a guy. "Just answer one last question. About him."

"One last? You promise?"

"I mean, for today?"

"Yujin--" You bit your own tounge, shutting your book closed after putting a bookmark on it. "Fine. What is it?"

"Do you, by any chance, think something might be going on between the two of you?"

"No!" Without letting a second pass, you answered.

Yujin stared at you for a few moment, as if she's examining the answer you gave. You lowkey got creeped out by your own friend, but did not say much.

"Interesting," She finally break the contact. "I asked YangYang the same question, about you. And he hesitated for a few second."

You bit your bottom lip, tearing your gaze away from her.

Why did he hesitate? That's the only question ringing in your head as you try to appear unbothered.

"Two different manner of responding yet both are lies." Yujin laughed, standing up and raising her hands in defeat when your eyes widened, ready to lash at her.

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