fourty five | 45

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"So," Your mother excitedly sat on the lunch table, examining your weary expression while eating your lunch. "How was the dinner last night?"

You scratched your messy hair, the silk dress flowing into your skin. "Well.."

You woke up late and took a bath straight after opening your eyes. Honestly, you're not in the mood to tell her anything. But you know you could never run away from it. She needs details. She's your mother, after all.

"Well.. uhm.." You sighed.

"Uh? What's that on your face?" Your mom questioned, urging you to say more. You anxiously looked at her index finger pointing straight at you. As an instinct, you quickly checked your neck which made her raise her brow. "I said face, not neck. Why are you always checking your neck when I'm asking about--"

"Because it's the only part I can feel first. My hand reaches it first." You defended quickly, putting your hand down in your lap.

You're just hiding the fact that she might see some skin blemish; technically hickey.

After last night of making out and being heated real quick, YangYang dropped you at your house at 1 in the morning. You caught your mother sleeping on the couch with the T.V. playing and you didn't bother to wake her up. After all, she must be tired. You must say you're lucky to have such caring boyfriend who checks up on you one last time before leaving.

Just to be clear, reader, nothing happened – aside from intimate touch and kisses. You managed to stop yourself, and YangYang himself, from passing through the boundary set when it comes to physical contact. It was quite magical. Suddenly, both his and your frustration dissipated. He was a grinning mess that night. And this time, he made sure to leave a mark.

Yes, a mark. A freaking mark just on your neck.

He said that's how he makes sure you won't forget you're not angry anymore at him the next morning.

"I was about to ask why do you look so glowy yet grumpy at the same time," She cackled, watching you grab your water to drink again. "So tell me about it."

"It was.. good. We get along pretty well. I'll say." You briefly explained. This was not remain unnoticed by your mother. She immediately raise her brow tall, about to call you out for it if it wasn't for you suddenly searching your pockets. She eyed you for a few moments until you found that thing you've been looking for. You raised your hand with a ticket. "They gave it to me after eating dinner. I--

Without letting you finish, she snatched it from you.

You watched as she examined it and after a few seconds, she looked up with a stern expression.

"A trip? To Jeju Island?" Her tone is distinctive. It was in between not allowing you and allowing you. "Okay.. Then.. tell me about it."

So it's really a ticket.

Your jaw drop. You weren't expecting it was really a Jeju Island ticket. You remembered Yeonhui mentioning it but you didn't take it seriously since he looks like the type to fool around. Plus, you're too preoccupied with what happened between you and YangYang.

"Can I see it--" You attempted to grab only for her to pull it away further.

"You look like you're not sure of what is happening. You sure you checked what was even given to you? Without being sure what it includes?"

Mother truly knows best.

"I mean.. I had an idea. But I didn't have time to read it properly since it was dark and all I care is going home on time.." I nodded. "Can I see it, now?"

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