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"God, Yangyang!" You aggresively leaned back in the headrest. "I'm not in the mood to play any of your games. I will seriously call police."

"If you're that serious, you should've told your mom about it already, during the call." He smiled sheepishly. It pisses you off he's not even taking you seriously.

"No, I don't want to worry her."

He suddenly pulled his car on a roadside nearby. Almost creating a drift that made you hold on your seat for dear life.

He did not respond after that, and it honestly made your heart pound. Yangyang is a harmless guy, after all. You know that for a fact. But this current situation sends shivers down your spine.

What if all those years, he was actually a stalker?

You shook your head, finding your own presumptions absurd.

Just overall.. Yangyang being cold is a new experience.

Your stomach turned and the shivers you had from the rain became stronger. You can't read exactly what his mood is, and where only the two of you will be going.

The silence was driving you insane. Even though there was the sound of music softly humming, your heart refuses to calm down from speeding up. Anyone in your shoe will feel the same.

Even after those, you did not speak. You refused to, as you try to analyze the situation first.

His driving calmed down, slowing in an acceptable speed. He was in the lane of cars while the stoplight shows red.

With a sigh, Yangyang brushed his hair up, "I'm sorry. I just wanted to have some fresh air and I felt.. somehow lonely. I don't know why. Then I saw you and as someone I know, I had the urge to-- That was very disrespectful of me. I just don't know what to do."

Just seconds ago, you hope he speaks and explains why the fuck he's kidnapping you. But now that he actually said the reason, words have trouble forming in your lips.

It was hard to analyze his exact expression right now. His eyes were almost emotionless and there wasn't a single hint of smirk in his lips. You know for a fact, with what he said, that he is sad. But along with it was his madness.

"I know that its not your problem, sorry for being selfish. I'd drop you off somewhere.." He breathed in, glancing at you once and poked his tounge in his cheeks.

He repeatedly glanced at you with a form.

Then he cleared his throat. "Nevermind, I can't do it."

Your breath hitched. "Do what?"

"Drop you to an unidentified place and be responsible if something happens to you," Ending with his line, the stoplight turned green and he stepped on the pedal, speeding up once again in a terribly quick pace.

"Yangyang!" You complained, slapping him in his arms but he only smirked.

This side of him is giving you goosebumps.

You want to grab your phone and call someone but you can't — because you were holding in your seat for dear life. The seatbelt was not helping at all to make you feel secured.

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