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Yeonqui strolled around his cousin's house, shaking his head occasionally. He find it absurd that YangYang still lives in this place. Not like he want him out of it.. well.. sometimes he do. He just can't believe YangYang is this rich. Without even trying. He spends his time living his life.

Most of the time, he envied him for that.

He and his family have it the hard way. Day and night, they shouldn't stop working, to have the life they are living right now.

His thoughts trailing full of silent rage when he arrived at their spacious garden, and his eyes narrowed seeing a figure sitting there.

A smirk popped in his face while he approached, "Look who's here."

"What the f.." YangYang trailed off, glaring while looking at the man who just arrived. He dusted his butt off and stared coldly. "What are you even doing? Here? Who allowed you to roam around this place?"

"Uhh.. my feet?"

"Fuck you," YangYang rolled his eyes. "You know damn well I won't even allow you to take another step from the entrance."

"To be fair, your parents let me. You're not the only one who owns this house, so I am allowed," Yeonqui whipped his hair back and winked. "They like me. In fact, they like me more than their own son. Because I work hard and not spend my money on shitty things."

"Oh shut up. I don't need money." YangYang dropped on the rock he was sitting on. "Who says I even need all these expensive stuff?"

"You can say that because you're already rich, but for us, who actually have to work just so we can have something, hard work is a big deal."

"Who required for all of you to be rich? You're already on average. No one told you to be rich." YangYang scoffed.

"Like I said," Yeonqui balled his fist, obviously annoyed and triggered with what he just heard. He approached his cousin while keeping intense eye contact. "You don't know what it feels like, because you never got to experience the 'bare minimum', because you're always holding a golden spoon in your fucking mouth."

"Whatever," YangYang crossed his arms. "Don't you dare take a seat near me."

"Stop being so overreacting, as if I want to be close to you," Yeonqui sat himself on a few rocks away from his cousin, sitting on the solid comfortably. "You know, if it wasn't for the fact that I felt bad about how your parents act infront of your girlfriend, I'd punch you right now."

"You don't have to pity me." YangYang stretched his neck as he wore a disgusted look. A look of despise.

"But I mean it. Mr. Liu was too much today." Yeonqui shrugged. "Too much enough for me to make me hate calling him uncle. He's too embarrassing to be one."

YangYang held himself from saying foul words, such as why does he even bother talking to him right now when he is clearly uninterested with his words.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" Yeonqui narrowed his eyes. "Thought you followed Y/N. I don't see no pretty girl here?"

"Okay, first of all," YangYang breathed heavily. "Don't call her pretty."

"Why? Is she not?"

"No, fuck off. She's obviously the most beautiful girl to ever exist, but of course, I can't trust you. You know why." YangYang shrugged, tilting his head to gesture unspoken words.

It took a few seconds for Yeonqui to respond, chuckling bitterly. "Excuse me? I don't plan on stealing your girl. You're overly jealous."

"As for why I'm here.. I decided your brain works sometimes and figured out it's really best to wait here," He kicked a lost stone, grimacing as it rolled down.

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