twenty seven | 27

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It's been a few days since that mall shopping with Renjun. As the day approaches for the party, excitement starts rushing in your veins.

This isn't your first time in party. But this is probably the second or third time only. As much as you'd like to enjoy other invitations, you value school more.

Yet it hits different when it is YangYang's invitation.

But to your dismay, and everyone invited, deadlines in the school is near after the party. If it wasn't for your extreme effort to buy clothes and want to be in a party with YangYang, you'd rather not attend it for sure.

By this day, YangYang isn't even trying to hide that there's something going on between of you. He is constantly at your seat, making skinship that makes everyone do side eye.

It's one of the two hour breaks. Everyone are either at the field, library, cafeteria, or simply at the room. And you're one of those who stayed in room, munching a snack while typing in your calculator.

"Can't believe they are dumping all the schoolworks," Ryujin complained while watching you do the seatwork.

YangYang grabbed a chair, pulling it close behind you and staring at your busy features. He was lucky that you are turning your body sideways, showing your side profile.

"Here it goes again," Ryujin shook her head, tired of seeing YangYang wear the same look when he stares at you. "Hey. The party's still up, right?"

"Of course," He beamed, eyes trailing a bit when he remembered something. "And you're not coming.." He whispered.

"I'm answering physics, wait a minute Yang," You scolded, genuinely focused. YangYang only sighed, not because he was scolded but because he feels incomplete with the fact that you won't be there.

"Have you picked a dress?" Yujin chimed in. "We have two days to go."

"Oh yes, I did. I was with Yeji and the three other girlies last night. Lemme show you." Ryujin grabbed her phone and you badly want to peek. But YangYang will most probably tease you about it.

Soon, some of your close acquaintances accumulated in your area. They are all talking about the party YangYang set. You tried your hardest to ignore their words like how you usually do before you became linked with him. But now, you can't help and eavesdrop to their plans.

"Oh, I'd be there thirty minutes early."
"I heard YangYang will bring his 00 liner friends, so I'm quite thrilled!"
"We're about to meet the Qian Kun who remains a mystery!"
"Ten will be there right?"
"Of course. He is literally Yang's father."

You sighed, giving up from pretending you are solving something and looked at YangYang, who's been watching you all the time.

"What is this party for?" You asked lowly, hoping that these people will be too busy to notice you asked.

YangYang shrugged. "It's kinda like, annual party. Like every year I randomly throw these types of party and invite some people who's in vibe with me."

"Ah, never heard of it. Is it the first time you invited Yujin?" You asked. He shook his head as a response. "Well, I wonder why. Must be very busy to know about this yearly party of yours, with my friends invited."

"You're too mad at me a year ago so I didn't bother to invite you, but I always wanted to." He smiled shortly.

"Okay, if you didn't tease me that much then maybe we would be friends--"

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