eighteen | 18

110 8 2

In the end, for no freaking reason, you agreed.

Even you would be surprised to how fast you got convinced by him. You did not even got to properly say goodbye to Xiaojun and Hendery which you saw peeking at the pane glass.

"Hold on, I'm going to tell my mom about it," But you paused. You bit the insides of your cheek and rolled your eyes. "Nevermind. I won't mention your name. She probably doesn't trust you now."

Yangyang didn't respond and just kept walking while you trail behind him. You bit your lip, feeling a little odd with what he is doing or how he is acting.

Maybe agreeing to come with him when he is in this mood is not a great idea at all. The silence is deadly.

You fished out your phone and started typing, a stressed sigh escaping from your lips while you make your own excuse to your mother. You used the "research card" today, which means making a research paper with your groupmates and will probably stay up all night to finish it. She gave you a curfew, and that will be at 11 P.M., you mentioned being dropped off by a car.

You were too busy trying to make up a white lie just so you can be responsible to your stupid agreement with Yangyang who seem to not have any plan at all, now that your head is clear and you can see facts. This caused you to just follow him blindly, his hand lightly pulling your arm when he have to take turns.

Closing your phone off and digging it into your pockets, you looked up at him with a tired look. "Where the hell are we goi-- WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?!"

Yangyang's eyes widened slightly, not expecting you to yell so loudly like that. "Hey, chill! We're at the train station. People might think I am kidnapping you or what."

You looked around and your jaw dropped, indeed being in a train station you rarely use. Probably the last time you used it was with your mother on your elementary days.

"You technically are," You crossed your arms, your head slowly flaming in anger and he was quick to notice and feel it. He knows your angry reaction too well. He knows the difference between you being mildly irritated and you being mad.

His brow softened, the dark aura disappearing in his face so he can question you with a soft voice, "Woah.. I'm sorry.. Is there something--"

"You didn't even tell me that you are not using your car!" Your voice raised, earning some glances from the people around. This made you look down in shame, breaking the intense eye contact you didn't know you had with Yangyang. "Sorry, I was.."

He remained silent, eyeing you with slight worry. His continuous silence without any response was adding up the pressure you already have in your chest

You sighed and sat on the bench, him quickly following. "I'm kind of scared to ride there."


"No specific reason--" When you looked up, you were caught off guard with his looks of doubt. "Well.. I just think it's too crowded."

Of course you lied. The real reason would be embarassing — and that's because you're still so young the last time you ride these. You were still accompanied by your mother that time and as much as your 'independent pride' wants to deny, your inner child still clings to that memory.

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