thirty two | 32

108 4 13

!! i found the right term for this whole event — it was Intramurals LOLL im sorry for putting "Foundation Month" instead, we recently just had that event so that was the first term I thought about when I realized what should be the name of the university's event. Realized it was supposed to be Intramurals💀💀

i'll try to edit the past chapters when i have time. i'm on my finals (yet i still write lolll i just find it comforting to do stories at the end of the day)

and im sorry if these chapters aren't really good but i'm trying not to rush things before the plot so... bear with me i guess 😭😭 *peace sign idk* !!

tw: mention of blood


Today's the basketball game day.

YangYang was trying out their jersey, his number "24" engraved on the cloth he was wearing. Mark, Donghyuck, and Shotaro participated the game with him, making their schedule packed for the past few days.

"You ready?" Donghyuck patted YangYang's shoulder but the man just looked sideways, one that he wears when he's not in the mood. "Oh-hoh. What's with the sulky reaction?"

"He is not a morning person," Mark explained shortly, followed by a laugh from Shotaro.

YangYang rolled his eyes, suddenly pissed off. This caught the reaction of his friends who started to wonder why must he be not in the mood.

"I'm off to bathroom, tell Coach if he arrives." YangYang brushed his hair up, leaving his teammates who are busy doing stretches before the morning parade.

"What's up with him? He never acted that way." Donghyuck commented. It's true though, their friend was usually the one to light up the mood.

Mark just shrugged his shoulders and proceeded on stretching his arms. "I can't blame him. He said he didn't got enough sleep last night. And it's game day. Pretty sure he is not rested. Maybe he and Y/N bonded overnight? Like you know, watching movies together."

"Y/N hates movies." Deadpanning, Donghyuck uttered and Mark was the only one who laughed this time. "And she's been busy these days. What will we expect from the two of them?"

"Don't talk like you're the one dating her," Teased Mark.

"No, my point is, YangYang must have stayed up late all on his own, and not because he and Y/N bonded or something," As a defense, Donghyuck explained.

"Wait.. I suddenly remembered something.." Shotaro audibly gasped, earning his two friends' attention this time. "I think I know the reason, speaking of Y/N."

"Really? Then that's some morning tea, lower your voice," Donghyuck whisper yelled. "We can't possibly taint some issue on her name, she's well-known in this place."

"No, it's not really a big deal. YangYang texted me last night that.." Shotaro's voice significantly lowered down. In the process, Mark and Donghyuck created a small circle, trying to cover Shotaro as if they are plotting something. "Y/N didn't reply to any of his texts last night."

The two guys gasped loudly, Donghyuck overdoing his action.

"Well, that will actually hurt," With realization, Mark understood why YangYang acts the way he does.

"But you know? Y/N could be very busy. I saw her last time and she and Ten were stressed. I understand that she might not want to be bothered during these times," Shotaro quickly explained his side — which is you.

In contrast, Donghyuck decided to pop in, "Still. Today is one of the most important event for YangYang. She atleast should tell him whether she'll be there or not. Wait, does she even know Yang's game is today?"

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