thirty eight | 38

101 4 2

YangYang patiently waited for your arrival infront of the university's library. He tapped his index finger on the steering wheel, watching you in a distance while walking towards his car.

Once you opened it, his contagious smile naturally appeared. Admittedly, he does not even know why the mere view of you entering the car makes his heart leap in joy.

"Hi babe!" He greeted when you propped yourself, grabbing the seatbelt. "How are--"

He choked in his own spit when you glared at him. He decided to not speak after and just started driving. Clearly, he can tell you are not in the mood, and as much as he wants to tease you for your mood, he does not know the context behind it. He only teases you to an extent where you can create murder when he knows he is the reason of you are annoyed. He knows no matter how pissed off you are, you can control yourself, not giving him the satisfaction of attacking back.

But in times like this, he have no idea if something real bad happened to you and you might be his last straw before you actually throw a fit.

"I'm hungry," You said, almost sounding too blunt than your usual tone.

YangYang gulped dryly, "Yep. We're going on the place right now."

Thankfully, he already have several lists of where to eat before driving to pick you up. You remained quiet in the corner watching him drive out of the school zone.

When he got out of it, he took a deep breath and decided to open a topic, "Why aren't you wearing a uniform, babe?"

That's true. You are currently in a civilian outfit, a black high waist jeans paired with a white crop top, covered with a coat.

"After class, I simply got changed--" Your brows gradually met, "Wait. Why am I the only one who attended class?"

"What do you mean? Everyone was not present?"

"No," You grumbled. "Among the two of us. Obviously."

"Ah, well.." He accidentally pressed the brake, earning a sharper look from you with the sudden break. You raised your brow and YangYang quickly shook his head, trying to prove his innocence.

"Then what did you say? Were you absent earl.. Hold on. Did you cut class?!" You tilted your head abruptly, making him flinch while turning the steering wheel.

"I-I mean.."

"You mean what?"

He sighed in defeat.

He was about to deny it but seems like he can't do it to you. "Alright, fine. I cut classes. I had no plan attending classes on the first place. I just had to, you know? Need to pick you up."

You clicked your tounge. "I told you to not make me the reason why you're here. You're purpose for being in this place is to study--"

"Me? Study? I only attend classes since you're there. And since you are going to leave earlier for your research, figured out I don't have to attend," YangYang winked and you only rolled your eyes.

"There's no way you only came here for me."

"What if it really is?"

"Yang!" You raised your voice once again, eyes genuinely full of rage which made YangYang worried, no longer scared.

He definitely knows something is off which made you uncontrollably mad. He used his free hand to rest it over your thighs, then it went up to your hands, intertwining it with his. His brows met the moment your palm were with his.

"Wait, why are you.. Are you shaking?" He glanced at you briefly then went back on looking at the road. It was your turn to be quiet. He gradually removed his hands off of you. YangYang became serious and he refused to let go, clutching tighter. "What's that? Have you eaten? Or was it all coffee?"

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