twenty two | 22

125 8 5

After getting changed, you went back into work. It's weekends today, so you have no doubt about the flooding people. It was a right choice to attend early though, you took advantage with the fact that your mother isn't home yet.

"Here's your.." You slowed down, seeing a familiar figure near the table. Your eyes widened to see YangYang talking to some group of girls sitting around it.

Isn't he supposed to be at his 'own' workplace, hiding from the public eye like he always do?

He stood there, casually laughing like they are just his friends.

"Thank you." The customer you were serving in commented, anticipation in their eyes to have their order at their table since you weren't budging.

You immediately snapped back to focus, serving them their drinks and foods before going back to the counter. Once you are calmly back at the cashier area, you did not let your gaze fly away from YangYang who's talking with the teenagers, his smile evident and even uses his hand gestures while he tell a whatever stupid story.

"Tss," You scoffed, rolling your eyes. "What a fli--"

"Table 20, Y/N." You jumped at the voice of your colleague, putting the orders at the tray.

Without words, you grabbed it and do your job, feeling slightly pissed off — even when you know damn well you don't have any reason to be.

You watched him walk back to the counter, helping his own shop today. You sped up towards him, standing beside his tall frame.

"It's a surprise you went out of your secret room today." You rolled your eyes, not looking at him even when he peeked to see your face.

"I'm helping cause I'm not busy anyway. Why do you suddenly care?" He chuckled lowly, his voice softly uttered for others not to hear.

"Stop fooling yourself, I don't care," You looked up and meet his eye, grabbing the tray of another order.

You proceeded to the assigned table, having to take quite some time since the customer's table of choice was at the back part of the shop.

"Good afternoon. Here's your--"

"Y/N?" You froze in your place when the mentioned customer spoke.

You were proud of yourself for not dropping the tray you were grabbing for your dear life, even when the person infont surprise the shit out of you.

Huang Renjun was sitting, wearing a black shirt and a round glass that compliments his beautiful features.

"Hey, Renjun," You licked your lips nervously.

"What are you.. You work here?" His eyes fell into your clothes, surprise taking over when he noticed the familiar set of clothes.

You have no idea what to say. You felt the urge to explain, yet a pinch of shame run in your veins.

Renjun had to regain himself, grabbing the drink with his own hand. He beamed a big smile, one that everyone adores. "Wow! That is actually cool!"

You anxiously looked at him, not knowing what to say next.

"Hey," He chuckled when you did not budge, popping the straw at his drink. "Stop looking so surprised seeing me here. This is YangYang's shop anyway."

"Y-Yeah.." You bit your bottom lip, not being able to leave because you felt the need to explain yourself.

So, you did.

After all, its Renjun. You know you can trust him.

You told him about how everything happened, leaving the part where you tutored YangYang since its his story. Renjun listened attentively, even offering you his own drink.

guidance room | liu yangyang • reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora