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Keisha's pov

I started to see what appeared to be a lovely rooms suited for royalty as soon as I stepped outside the basement where I had been held captive. This might be a meeting place for wicked scientists. The large, bulky man threw me inside after opening a door. He addressed a man who I was sure I had seen before, saying, "Here she is alpha." The dread in his eyes as he addressed this individual was evident before he immediately departed. The only person that appeared friendly in the room, along with another guy and an elderly lady, was the lady. "Goodness me. I haven't been around people of your sort for so long," the elderly woman remarked, and that was all it took to enrage me. I soon forced myself to stand up straight despite the pain I was experiencing. "My type? We might not be having this talk if your kind had avoided my kind years ago instead of stealing from and exploiting my kind.

My explosion appeared to surprise everyone. "She is aware of our kind alpha, and no human is aware of us. Perhaps she is one of us, which explains your mate bond. I was shoved up against the wall and strangled in less than a second. How did you enter the mortal realm and who are you? The man questioned me in a low, harsh voice. What is he referring to. The only time white folks refer to us as "your kind" is to make us feel horrible about the melanin we have, so I assumed we were talking about race. He tightened his hold on my neck until I was on the verge of passing out. He then turned away, and I slumped to the ground. It hurt so much. They were chatting among themselves when I heard the elderly woman remark, "If she really is human alpha, you have to consider nursing her back to health and make sure she is at her finest condition for us to complete the ritual," just before she vanished into the night.

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