What Changes Over Time Ch. 3

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"As a future ruler, you must show your people what it truly means to be apart of the Althea Family Heritage!"

Father continued to say those same words.

These words granted hope for Ultraviolet.

It taught me that people who grew up with everything will end up with nothing as they grow closer to their death.

Legends are born through sheer historical hierarchy and the results of striving for a better world.

Anything that involved the success of our glorious world rested upon my shoulders.
With great time comes a greater fortune, mother always would say.

A princess who holds the acknowledgement of her supporters must stand formidable to any challenge. This life has taught many lessons and many more to come.

After that day where I last saw him, things began to change.

Murder in the town risen and it mostly resulted in the death of a Chaos Prime. The investigation, to this day, is not solved nor are there any clues as to why it is unfolding.

I fear what the truth really is.

The following morning, mother and father weren't present. They mostly are out of the castle handling daily assignments that was too much for us humanoids to overcome. The only person here that helps out with anything is the handmaid, Annabeth.

She already was in the kitchen finishing a dish that was meant for me.

I graced her presence with my own.

Annabeth was a dazzling older lady that found honor in wearing a maid wardrobe. Her hair was purplish mixed with charcoal in a straight formation down to her back. Aside from her violet eyeballs, her skin was silky and light like honey. The race of humanoids are a genetically high-advanced species that age slow and hardly ever lose their gracefulness. As my mother always told me, we received the ultimate blessing from the Gods. We are eternal yet unfortunate.

Time was of an essence so Annabeth provided a quick basket for breakfast and lunch. She sent her greetings and I returned loving kisses.

As I was getting to the doors leading to the outside, there stood a nightmare I was not ready to face. There was three suited men waiting outside the castle grounds and behind them was one of those newly branded UV Max vehicles.

Rumor says that those cars doesn't rely on oil but rather a powerful gem that stems from the roots of our planet. Only my father could have access to anything that destructive, and now it's being presented in the front lawn like a souvenir?

Was there really any reason to think about this right now? "Annabeth, we got intruders in the front lawn!"

The men downstairs began to tremble and wave their arms frantically for me to take my words back. If it was one thing that everybody feared more than father or mother, was Annabeth.

I could already see her dashing towards the door, and she didn't find any problems rushing with heels. This was funny, but I need to stop her like seriously.

"I was just kidding!" I blurted out to her, and she doesn't care and opens the second door for an open view. Her expression softens for like two seconds before she had snapped her angry look towards me, "Why are you playing games early in the morning for, Althea, you have like thirty minutes to get to the Academy?"

"Well, tell these goons that I'm going to walk there; it's not like the Academy is off the coast in Gettystown?" I retort back.

Annabeth didn't like my tone and comes back sharper with a reply, "Your mother wouldn't like that, neither would your father." Yep, she hit me with the royal decree. "There are murders happening in the town so having you by yourself is not a smart option."

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