Internal Conflict Ch. 16

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"Why do people continue to pity the Primes?"

"Because they are fools."

"Althea and Ryatt seem to be a thing now, and Yuta sometimes feels standoffish. Delta has her own battles to fight which only leaves myself with haunting thoughts."

"We are never alone as long as we have each other."

"It's always been that way with me."

Days go by and I cannot remember why I exist. I continue to chase after a reason to be happy only to find sadness in the end. A childhood I might say feels nonexistent; the single shard of memory I can decipher is the moment I first saw a red shine. The illumination was aspiring because it was the first thing my eyes saw at birth.

I drew power from this masterpiece. I don't know why but I felt like my existence meant more than these Primes. At a point in time, I almost felt superior to the other races; that is until I met people like Ryatt and Althea. Losing to them was out the question and neither was this obstacle course. My interest lies beyond the stars.

However, I am bound by the Council, just like the rest of these fools.

"We are not trapped, escape is possible."

"Without knowing anything about who I am, I took the name Violet because it's the only word my mind could register at the time."

"This world will be ours for the taking!"

I wasn't planning on participating in the Synapse today. I'd prefer if my mood stayed calm especially since I haven't been getting much sleep.

"Let us get some sleep."

"Sounds like a good idea."

The next morning when I woke up, I was baffled by the incredulous news. Turns out, the Council was scheduling the return of the majesties of Ultraviolet. Says they been in a galactic war with other planets to ensure our safety. When they return, is anything going to change regarding the obstacle course?

"King Phun and Queen Rosalina are what holds this world together; Althea is an obstacle by herself."

I didn't have time to think about tedious things. For the special occasion, I was going to bless the audience with true talent and see how they fare it. After taking a shower, the uniform was waiting for me on top of the queen size bed. My living arrangements exist outside of the Humanoid domain. I found an abandoned hut in the outskirts of their plains, mainly where I can be alone.

"We are not alone, we have each other."
..... ...

Today, people were in shock of more news regarding the deaths of more Chaos Primes. Families were weeping because they apparently had no justice. Little did they know, this is punishment due to their ancestors. Whoever is doing the killing better make sure they don't get caught, or their reign is over.

Sometimes, I wonder though, is this truly the right way to think.

I had to recall Yuta's words from before. She was trying to explain that the Council are the people that make the rules but that does not mean we have to be subjected to them. People who believe they have free will should start behaving like they do. If that's the case, then that means that the rest of us are like food in cattle for the Council to thrive on.

Oh God, I feel like an idiot for thinking too much about this!

As I was entering the Academy, I could see numerous students were standing outside the building in a massive crowd. Many vehicles were stationed, even United Nation governmental agents. Each one was armed with a weapon and didn't look like an amateur either.

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