Signs of Betrayal Ch. 19

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                                 Gale Lancer

Who the fuck is the killer?

This mayhem doesn't look like it's going to end anytime soon and what's worse is that there are no leads and no alibis.

I'm tangled between obstacles with no chance of decent sight. The Academy continues to be shut down which hinders the training necessary for the obstacle course. At this rate, they'll have to cancel it. Denise was with me like always and even she was discouraged to find out the Academy was closed.

The murders made the situation fruitless and with the deranged killer targeting only Chaos Primes, we were potentially in danger too. The government officials that worked underneath the code of the Council were present.

I've never seen these men in person, but rumors say they are trained like animals to protect their planet. Even with my skills, defeating one might prove to be futile.

"Hey, brother, don't you know that guy there?" Denise catches my attention and she was pointing to someone I knew.

It was Zane, standing amid the crowd alone. I could tell from the back, but he strangely wore a black bandana across his forehead for some reason. It made his hair stick out more, which probably why Denise noticed him first. We decided to go over and greet him since he was a fellow prime too.

As I grew closer, it looked like he was on the phone and the conversation was serious. I made myself known by lightly touching Zane's shoulder, "Hey, what's up, man?"

My sudden appearance must've spooked him because he nearly jumps back like he had seen a ghost. "Oh shit, Gale, I didn't notice you man; you can't be sneaking up on me like that." He quickly caught his breath and when he noticed Denise, he greets her, "What's up, sis, good to see you are with us again."

"For the time being, yes, until the Academy starts back up." Denise replies modestly.

"But I'm more concerned with these murders; it's getting too out of hand?!" I say frustratingly.

"There's nothing we can do except leave it in the hands of the United Nations." Zane shrugs his shoulders like he didn't care, and so I glared at him deeply for his lack of ambition.

Instead, Denise snaps, "You want to leave it in the hands of the United Nation? Sounds to me like you given up on your fellow kin?" Zane's expression shifts into defense mode, but I could've sworn I saw something deeper in his gaze than mere irritation.

I challenged him since nobody got away with looking at my sister like that, "Zane, do you have any idea who the killer might be; certainly a Prime with the mindset like yourself, I doubt you merely would stand on the sidelines without conducting an investigation of your own."

His eyes found themselves back to me and suddenly, a smile too. "You got that much faith in me, huh?" His sarcasm was obvious. "I got my hands on a few leads, but the question is what do you plan to do with the information that I share?"

"Get to the bottom of it, of course."

"And you think you can, by yourself?"

"Without a doubt."

Zane took my bluff to heart and began to spill his guts on the information he received. Turns out that Allan Ark, son of the prestigious army leader, Lord Reginald II, has told government officials that somebody in the competition is likely the killer. Why would he go to such lengths just to tell a lie? Or was it a lie, or the truth?

Allan was a cunning strategist and a sadist; this could all be a trick just to sway our hearts away from the competition. I started to think back on all the contestants and who could possibly have a motive in killing our kin. I was out of the question, of course. Zane didn't look like someone who had ulterior motives to attack people, but his identity at first struck me as someone I have met before. Paige didn't appear as the type of woman who would lay waste to our people; I didn't know much about her but her and I have shared words on frequent occasions.

Then there was Ryatt; he is arrogant and full of himself. Although I don't think he is the type of person to do something without being recognized for his work. He was a big show-off in my eyes, so keeping to the shadows wouldn't be his style. Yuta and I have gotten more closer than anyone in the Synapse currently. We text every night but have no contact during the day. She has told me things that are supposed to remain a secret in the Whitefall household, and I have spilled my guts to her too.

She would never cause harm to the Primes, seeing how she was also a royal guard. Next, was Alpha. That stubborn woman, no matter the circumstances, could never take anyone's life without good reason. She was too pure-hearted, naïve, and easy to manipulate if she so happens to fall prey to a clown.

Either way, she was a princess and future queen so there's no way she would jeopardize herself like that; furthermore, is because I knew her more than anyone else.

Delta has shown that she holds a distaste for my race but her behavior the other day when we were walking home made me think differently.
The stigma of rejection has turned her into an unforgiving force to be reckon with. I doubt I'll be able to secure an easy victory the next time we battle. The only person that could be labeled as a threat, besides the Ark family is Violet.

Since the beginning when we locked eyes in the hallway, there has been a secondary source of unrelenting pressure coming from that woman; almost like she's hiding something. The distaste of the Primes was clearly visible on her face.
Suddenly, my phones start buzzing so Denise comes closer since it was technically hers too.

"It's a text from Kristy." She talks for me, and my expression grows cold with anxiety.

"Something going on?" Zane questions us, his right brow raising slightly.

"Could be." I replied halfheartedly.

From our distance, I could spot Kristy hopping out of her vehicle. She looked frantic and out of breath, but from what? The three of us met her halfway where he drops her hands on her knees to regain stamina. Denise places a hand on Kristy's arm and asks, "Hey, Kristy, what's wrong; wasn't dad supposed to be with you?"

"He was, but something is happening currently at the Chaos Prime territory!"

"What is happening?" Zane speaks up.

"Someone slaughtered numerous of our kin in broad daylight and we think one of them got a hold of Kixx!"

My eyes grew big at the news. My father went to confront the threat himself, but he doesn't know who the killer is so that reckless action could prove to be his downfall. Kristy then tells her that Hunter was with him so that put some sort of relief in my heart. Either way, somebody was on the move to cause some havoc in our territory, so it was time to step into the battlefield with my own skills to show.

I told Denise to stay with Kristy while I go on my own search for the answers. My sister, of course, refused because she would rather go with me to challenge the threat. She continues to forget that she can become a liability without an ability, plus she'll just distract me.

Kristy took my side and wanted Denise to stay with her, stating that this is a critical moment for the race of Chaos Primes. This must be handled in secret without the eyes and hears of the Council noticing. Zane, who was listening without a response, finally decides to say, "You're going to need some backup wherever you're going; I'm going with you, brother." He sounded confident, a little too much for a powerless person too.

I didn't have a problem with him accompany me to the depths of darkness. We conspicuously exited the Academy grounds and made our way to the streets. My father was not answering his phone, but I knew deep down, he wasn't dead. We have our own battles that needed to be handled and he told me specifically during the meeting that I am the last option they need to save them. For now, I was on the hunt for Violet to prove whether she is the mystery killer or not.

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