Truth Seeker Ch. 10

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Gale.... I had no idea you changed so much since our last encounter. 

Everything about you seems different to me now: Hair, Personality, Power. 

When I laid eyes upon you for the first time in the Synapse, immediately, I knew. However, I am grateful for Delta for exposing your identity. You are Gale Lancer.... but the real question that I want to ask is what happened to you during our departure? 

The bright and hopeful nature that you showed as a child is no longer visible. When I look into your eyes, I see someone who is hellbent on survival and that prevented me from showing my true self beforehand. I know that you must think that I am a coward for not talking to you or asking how and where you have been. Sadly, times have changed since our last interaction and that is no longer possible, especially in front of other people. I wish there was a way for us to talk normally.

"Althea!" Ryatt calls out roughly. His deep, harsh tone awoke me from my pending thoughts. "I told you that this is where we part ways, now."

I blinked confusedly. Ryatt had said not another word as he walks across the empty street towards the United Nation territory. There was a tall gate that protected the domain from anyone not authorized to enter. Two large, bulky soldiers in luminous armor peeked a glance at Ryatt and without pause, allowed him to enter. I wondered if he was mad that I was ignoring him. Surprisingly, he hadn't spoken about what happened during the session, so I assume that his declaration of war was all he needed to say.

Yuta and Violet were still with me; however, Delta departed before Ryatt and her attitude was quite stoic. It was to be understood since her rank would be threatened after taking such a heavy loss. With such power at his disposal, there's not a doubt in my world that eventually Gale will become a formidable adversary. 

Realistically, we were all each other's enemies, at least not yet.

"Hey, Althea," Violet catches my attention. "I left my VC back at the Academy, so I'll have to see you later." 

"It's getting late, are you sure you'll be alright?" I asked because I was really concerned. 

"Chill out, baby, I can handle myself no problem." She winks before hurrying down the street; I could tell she really cherished that bike. 

Yuta was the only one with me now. For the longest time, it was just as surprising that she did not have much to contribute to the conversation ever since leaving the Synapse. As long as I known her, she was never much for words when she was on guard duty. Subsequently, Yuta marches in front of me to initiate the walk; in addition, she also unexpectedly asks a daring question. "Hey, do you know who Gale Lancer is?"

Startled by her random question, I almost stammered. "No, of course not. What makes you bring up a theory?" I pushed back, regaining my composure.

"I just noticed from the beginning of when Gale walked in, your mental and emotional levels were gradually shifting."

"I told you not to scan my body when I'm not aware of it!" Yuta's ability can be very frightening; now I must be careful, or her suspensions may further. 

"It's my duty to protect you so I will not heed that command!" Her reply was stern.

There was no defeating this woman, literally. 

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