King of the Powerless Ch.20

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                              Nathan Lancer

Under my feet lie the blood of my kin. For years, I have witnessed endless suffering and torment of my kind to the point where now it has become a sport. Families have lost the opportunity to grow with their children, nor can their grandparents live in content to their grandchildren's growth and development.

I am the Chaos Prime leader, Nathan Albert, but I am also just one man.

Only this title, my kids, and closest friends are all I have left in this world.

My time feel like it's coming soon. However, who will take care of Gale and Denise when I am gone? I couldn't trust another soul to take care of them and nurture them properly.

Though I have been a pitiful father to them, I will make sure that I live to see them at their greatest. The Lancer bloodline will not perish.

Once again, here lied, the blood of my kin by my own hands. These fingers were soaked with red, only red and nothing else. Can these very hands change the reality that we're forced to endure? No, they cannot. That task is up to my successor; the only person I believe in: Gale Lancer.

"Nathan, get a grip, brother!" I heard Hunter shout.

My vision returned to the battlefield and just in time to witness the lasts of my life was in the hands of a traitorous brethren. With spear in hand, his eyes told me that my death was on the menu. I gripped the sharp end of the spear with little effort. The weapon craved a line through my skin as my blood spilled against the pavement of sand. Even now, I was still holding back from taking lives.

Hunter had no problem since he came to my rescue by slamming his axe on top of the kin. All I remember from that assault was the scrambling of mortal brain cells decomposing. Hunter kept the unconscious Kixx over his shoulder while handling a heavy weapon with one hand. My brother turns to face me, "My car is just up ahead, let's get going and get Kixx to a hospital!"

"Right, I don't think any more kin are foolish enough to attack us after seeing what just happened." I tried to stay positive.

We were about to return to the car, that is until a wicked laughter halted our movements. The chuckle was familiar and haunting. The source came from behind, so we both turned around and stood agape in horror that it was Butcher. He carried a metal pipe in his hand that was soaked with blood. A madman, just as I presumed, and I had enough right to accuse him of the scene before us.

"Butcher!" I hissed his name in disgust. "You're the reason for our kin attacking us just now?!"

"Wrong again, Nathan." Butcher laughs as he started taking steps closer to us, so we reacted by doing the opposite. "This is not my doing at all; I just saw you kill a bunch of our brothers right now, so who really is the killer on the loose here?"

Was he seriously trying to blame all of this on me? This piece of shit has a lot of nerve, "You plan to blame me for this madness?!"

"I plan to do more than just that to you; I'm going to strip you of everything that you hold dear!"

I didn't think Butcher was lying. He obviously had a scheme up his sleeve if he's planned everything up to this point. Hunter was still carrying onto Kixx and only Arcana knows if he is alive or not. I decided to tell Hunter something fatal, "Head back to the car without me, I'll be staying here!"

"Are you sure about that, we don't know what this psycho could have in mind to do to you?" Hunter questions my safety.

"It can't be anything that I can't or haven't dealt with before, so go before we lose Kixx!"

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