Forsaken Hero Ch.14 Part II

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This chapter is a bit of a long run since it is a continuation of the Torch of Fire challenge talked about in the previous chapter. The fated hero, Ryatt takes the stage to show his true strength 💪🏽 enjoy the chapter and plz like/comment..


The trial was about to start.

I had already finished stretching since this wasn't going to be an easy task; that much I can admit. I'm aware that the twin brothers have a deadly combination waiting to exploit, but I'm more concerned about this woman beside me.

I remember hearing her name to be Paige, and the luggage she had at her side was truly a heavy instrument to carry. When she unveiled the truths of the coffin, it was not just for accessory but resting within was two metallic gloves.

My curiosity got the better of me, and so I decided to question her about the material; I wonder if she'll answer despite the difference in our race, "Hey, what do you got there?"

She looked shocked that I called out to her, but surprisingly, she decides to come over to my line. "Are you talking about these?" Paige motioned her eyes to the gloves, and so I nodded. "These are something my father made; he's an inventor and pretty much makes different things for me to use for these sessions."

I was impressed. "Wow, well then, I'll be looking forward to what you have to show then!" I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

"Don't take it easy on me out there, hero, I know what you're capable of." She threatened in a jokingly way, and I could tell because she was laughing in her thoughts.

I returned a quick, competitive smile and turned my eyes over to the twin brothers who were talking. I already used my mind's eye on the girl, so I would have to wait a moment to use it again. The roaring sounds of an alarm blared the stadium. Red bright lights spiraled around the field which startled the robots in attack mode. Each person had their own battle to fight, and the fastest and most proficient was going to make it to the torch.

We heard Mr. Brad's voice in the intercom, igniting us for the last time, "Good luck to you all; there's going to be a scheduled time of thirty minutes to make it to the torch. Whoever is the closest will be the winner and the scores will be displayed on the screen if your performance will hurt you or not."

"The odds are at our disadvantage." I mumbled.

"Also, we're each other's enemies out here so that's going to make things harder." Paige added, and I slightly glanced at her to see she was smiling.

The twin brothers remained focused on the task, so I snapped into the same mindset. Mr. Brad commenced the countdown, starting from ten. In these short number of seconds, there was a silence that could easily torment the heart but to mine, it was sheer determination. At the sound of the buzzard, the challenge began and so did the death match.

If not for my 'Splinter' skill, I would have been crushed under the weight of a massive shard of ice. An eruption of spiky tundra decimated half of the stadium and a remaining sharp piece uplifted the ceiling. I turned over to the twin brothers and wondered which one it was that did it. The robots that stood in the way were ripped to scraps by the ice as well.

"Where's Paige?" I heard Althea from the intercom.

I wondered too because she was nowhere present. "Looks like the ice has become her new home." Allan says, and hearing that was a piss off at the absolute.

"What you say?!" Zane shouts, his next target was the ark brother.

"If she's dead, will we have to stop the challenge?" It was Jet who said it, and I turned around just in time to catch a grin stretched across his mug.

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