Forsaken Hero Ch. 14

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I have the power to read the minds of anybody no matter who they are if they have a conscious.

This skill, I have been blessed with by the gracious of Clockwork and ever since acknowledging its existence, I have used it to better myself. Whether it was excelling classes, outsmarting people, or battles, I was the best in. However, my fate changed the moment I was visited by the United Nation. Though I was born in its territory, the authorities saw my ability as a highly potential threat to society. My mother fought hard for me, but I was taken away beyond my control. From that moment, I lost everything.

I was taken to an institution for the unique and gifted of beings. Endless days of torture; the higher ups, the Council, are afraid of power they cannot control so they act into making sure that's what they get. For years, I have been trapped in this place, dying slowly but steadily progressing.

With the increase of pain stimulates and mental strain, I was able to strengthen the length of my mind's eye. No matter the distance, if I'm looking at someone, I can read their thoughts and at times, be able to control them. Memories are still beyond my capabilities.

My parents have not come for me since and I had no idea why. I was beginning to think that I would never be able to get out of here, forever trapped and to remain a slave to the Council. As I begin to grow into my teenage years, it got worse. I was fit to fight and have learned to control my mind's eye. Our world, Ultraviolet, is a powerful hierarchy that many outsiders will try to take as their own. Most rarely are we attacked by rival planets but when we do, that's when it was our time to step out the cages. As much as we would want to fight the Council at a given opportunity, doing so is foolhardy.

With my mind's eye, I have been able to hear guards and other elites explaining how the Council has even more power and authority than the king. That in mind, not just anyone could stand up to that might yet alone myself. So unfortunately, my days of torment continued day in and day out. I've got so tired of fighting and killing aliens that it's become a lifestyle. All I know is fighting.

Unrealistically, I never imagined there would be someone else who carried the same spark that I do. All the time, we receive newcomers because of the growing population and the new patch was arriving. This group had a troublesome monster with them. A boy, probably the same age as I, was the wildest of the bunch. His power, in which I refer to them as the mindless fire, can not only heal its owner but will react solely on the situation that its owner is in. I didn't know exactly what his problem was until I read his mind. He was in pain, in despair, and there was nothing he sought more than to just leave this world and enter the next. I felt sympathy for him because he now shared the same fate as the rest of us. Prime or not, no one deserves this.



Years went by dreadfully and no sound of my parents continued to ignite my rage. Going out to war triggered some sort of sick glee in my heart, and I could feel the last string of my true self beginning to sunder. As if the God of Time Clockwork was pitying me in my last moments, my ears ringed at the sudden bang on the door.

"Your being let out." Someone says, a man and his voice disturbed my heart again with doubtful belief; then again, I literally couldn't control my urge to rush towards the opening doors leading to the outside.

There stood at the end of the hall, was one of the representatives of the Council. From this distance, I could feel a mighty force ready to sweep me off my heels and onto the floor. The guards pressured me to walk or else; it's good to know that their brute hasn't changed. The more I approached the impending doom that was the Council, I began to wonder why specifically myself. I didn't have much time to think. I was now standing in front of a muscular foreign man with tan colored eyes and a clean cut. He wore a uniform that I didn't recognize but the symbol across his chest guaranteed him indeed a member of the Council.

My eyes directed towards his right hand that was shielded by a black gauntlet. For a second, I thought it had pumped steam, but the voice of the monotone figure forced my eyes into attention. "Juan Ryatt, you've been granted admission into the Academy."

"I'm not in the mood to be told what to do any longer; if you're letting me go then I would rather be taken to my family." I was in a foul mood, and whatever this place was they wanted me to go, I wasn't going to have it.

"Watch your mouth!" One of the guards smacked his gun against the side of my head, and I nearly crashed into the wall.

I could feel my blood oozing onto the floor, and my anger directed solely to the man who was more than ready to take another swing at me. The Councilman looks at the guard with no intentions of penalizing him, and again speaks to me, "I'm telling you this because you have no other choice. Your parents died because of an invasion on our planet years back!"

The world around me felt like it was closing like a book. This pain in my head was nothing compared to what was bubbling on the inside. "My parents were dead, and you people didn't even tell me!?" I fell to my knees in front of the Councilman. "That was a war that you made me fight in and you didn't even have the audacity to tell me because of what?!"

"We didn't want the death of your family to deter you from your goal of protecting the planet."

I snapped completely.

I wanted to kill this guy.

I planned too and anyone who got in the way would befall the same damn fate.



Deep down, I know that I can't!



"Take him to his new home and if he acts up, you know what to do."

Those were the last words I heard and from this day forth, I never seen that man again.

My new life as a citizen of the United Nation began.

This is the most times I have ever seen so many smiles on people's faces. They didn't have a care in the world, nor did they have anything to fear. People were brainwashed, living in a world where they feel like the king truly protects them whereas he's really saving himself. He knows the Council is a problem but they're power surpasses his. I could not oppose the Council nor my fate. Even without my family, I continued to show the world, the real weakness of a man by showing his biggest strength. I could not fail.

As a former war machine built by the insane society that conquers us, I was the best at nearly every activity and my strength was incomparable. My mind's eye grants me the edge in battle, and nobody is aware of my skill. They are kept in the dark like I want them to. Over the years of training, I have learned to develop a skill that was originated from my family. The mind's eye was an ability that I inherited from my mother and from my father, it's called 'Splinter'.

Instantaneously, I can slow down time to transport myself to one location to the next. The limit so far is ten meters, but I'll work hard to make it stretch. Uniqueness is what most people call those who are gifted with numerous abilities, but none could compare to the king's daughter. Though we have never fought, I have caught a glimpse of her power. The blessings she received from the gods of our planet, 'the barriers' they were known as and each one possessed an extraordinary talent. She was fated to be a Queen. She carried the spark needed to fight the Council, mentally and physically. I alone would prove too foolhardy, but with the strength of the princess and 'the barriers', there might be a chance. The image of that man mentally burns in my heart and soul; I promised that no challenge would prove too difficult to overcome and that I will have no rivals.





My dream is to become the king that knows how to truly protect his world.

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