Last Stand (Final Pt 1 of 3)

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A princess is a woman who knows the mindsets of her people; she is the tower of reconciliation and a peace that many wish to see till their passing. There is not a threat mightier than her heart; these unwavering feelings I continue to hold and suppress cannot keep rising to the surface of our world. They are forbidden feelings, ones of which if the public would be aware, then the very balance will be disturbed. This is the moment where I had to be at my best. 

With my parents back home, they immediately issued a traditional ceremony for their arrival; I also believed that they had an important announcement to make and whenever I ask mother about it, she deliberately changes the subject. Father was too busy talking to council members and once again, didn't have much time to socialize. I thought things would be different now that they were here, but it was the same as if they never left. 

Now, I was standing in front of the mirror attached to the back of my door. Annabeth had just finished twisting my hair against my scalp so that it laid down perfectly in cornrows. The rest of the braids laid behind my spine and just to make sure they did not move; I applied an azure ribbon to the root. Without my usual style, my entire face was shown. A perfect princess, I'm always called by random citizens; little do they know the hardships I go through daily. Furthermore, the burgundy wrap dress I wore purposely shown more skin than I preferred.

Mother told me that wearing revealing clothing is necessary for a royal woman; still to this day, I don't understand why exactly. The bottom of the dress only touched down an inch above my knees so the slightest incorrect breeze could reveal my panties. Besides that, I felt flashy and ostentatious in this outfit. Either way, I needed to get my mind right for what was in store. The heels on my feet were the same color as the dress and the straps were buckled with a golden screw that I found adorable. With each step, there was a formidable clap behind. After moistening my skin, I was ready to head out and greet my parents.

I left my room and promptly, walked down the stairway quickly, despite the heels. Standing by the entrance by himself was a man that I have not seen for a long time. He was a councilman who worked under my father and could also be labeled as a fellow friend to all races, Captain Kreggor. For the occasion, he dressed formally with a white, peerless suit and a crimson, blood tie that was tucked inside his fabric. His hair was handsomely groomed and for a man of his stature, his appearance was vital. When I made my last step from the stairs, Kreggor's jaded green eyes locked onto my brown, coconut gaze in expectance. A wide, white-toothed smile appears on his face as he drops down on one knee in front of me. 

"Princess Althea, it's an honor to be in your humble presence again and might I say that you look dangerously gorgeous in that wardrobe." He compliments in a flirty tone, and with my right hand clutched between his, he delivers a smooch to the top of mine. 

My cheeks got flustered at his actions, mainly because he was an older and mature male figure. For him to flirt with me is taboo because of his status, but he did not let that stop him.
He gestured for me to follow him into the main ball room. On our way there, numerous nobles would greet and try to talk to me, but Kreggor held them at bay. Cameras and other devices were being used to catch pictures of me, so I tried not to sway too far from their expectations. Kreggor stayed out of the picture since he knew this was strictly for the princess. 

Origin of RoyaltyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ