A Lone Leader Ch.6

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We serve a God that controls our fate.

Everything is a pattern and everything has a meaning behind why it happens.

The Chaos Primes were born out of that theory.

We began as a race of indomitable beings hellbent on exploiting our might beyond the coast of civilization. Our name needed to be heard, yet at the same time, we yearned for the unachievable: purpose.

The one who controls fate known as Arcana gives us what we want and in return, we play into his entertainment. Each night was worse than the next; the endless slaughtering of the innocent, the betrayal of our own kin, and finally, the biggest sin that anyone could have done is defying God.

Although, Arcana was not the only God that existed in our plain of existence. There was also his brother, or keepsake I would rather refer to such. This majestic but fearsome deity had the power to rewrite time and bypass the previous existence someone has had and integrate a different one. He was by far the only one who could drive Arcana into a wedge.

To counteract his brother's creation, the Chaos Primes; the manipulator of time created our wicked counterparts, the Humanoids.

As their expansion grew, our numbers lowered significantly and so did Arcana's influence on the world itself. Feeling mercy for his brother, Clockwork decided to not extinguish the race of Primes, but instead places a curse on the clan. The deal was that only one individual must harness a unique ability instead of all of us.

With this curse placed upon us, it was futile to fight in wars or to attack other people. Being mortal and powerless, the Chaos Prime race quickly fell apart. We became each other's enemies. We attacked each other, killed each other; the misery and frustration drove us to that level.

However, everyone has forgotten that among the clan, there was one who held the power to make change and fix regret. It rested in the hands of a mere child and without any knowledge on how to use it, he was placed in the hands of the most ruthless and insane people to teach him how to harness it.

Now, in this present day, it is I who has to claim this powerful burden.

My name is Nathan Albert Lancer, and I carry the last remaining spark for the survival of the Chaos Primes.

As I walk this wretched and crazy world, I keep a level head because of who will take over when I am gone.

My beautiful daughter, Denise Lancer; she will grow into a very powerful warrior with the strength to command armies at her will. Then there's my successor and only son, Gale Lancer; I'm confident that the road will be terrifying for him but I am certain that he will change the world.

All he has to do is be able to control the curse that has been thrown onto us. I shall regret nothing at the end of the day.

The day was still young after the meeting was over. Again, the court martial had to inform me that another Chaos Prime was murdered in the dead of night yesterday. There are currently no leads regarding the incident and nobody in town has seen anything. This has been happening for too long and it's getting out of hand.

Of course, it's likely the United Nations could be behind this but I wouldn't put it past the Humanoids either.

How the way the system is set up, they'll do whatever they can to put fear in our hearts. If there's anyway possible to prevent our population from expanding, they'll try it. The only problem is that we're low on equipment used for battle right now.

We need more time to set up a perimeter and proper security. All in due time, I sigh.

There was a ride ready to deliver my presence back to my domain. My assistant was waiting patiently with his arms behind his back. As I approach closer, he opens the jet black doors and I took my seat. The driver proceed to venture through the town, and I was stressed out of my mind on how I was planning to make everything work. I'll have to wait and see what my fellow kin can bring to the table.

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