Last Stand (Final Pt 3 of 3)

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                                                   << Thank you for enjoying the final chapter >>

The afternoon sun was set ablaze strongly in the Ultraviolet world. 

A riot of protestors bombarded the lower castle corridor, in a fury due to the unresponsiveness of the majesties. The fortified soldiers attempted their best to tone down commotion, but not much was helping. People were losing their patience and eventually a higher power would have to step down to maintain authority. Standing among the crowd but at a positive distance is Violet. After her conversation with the Lancer family, she secretly stayed behind to catch any last-minute entertainment. 

Unfortunately, the situation has yet to be resolved. 

Eventually, the front castle doors had burst open as though they were made of paper. The commotion silenced immediately once a ferocious breeze appeared out of literal nowhere. Violet gasps as she too was taken back by the tremendous force; a strong and deadly sensation took over her heart seemingly. Up on the highest peak of the staircase leading to the entrance was a man. 

Citizens believed it was their majesties who finally decided to show themselves. They were wrong. The tall figure begins taking his time walking the silver, clear hill of stairs. As his image appeared more closely, he indeed did not carry the familiarity of the monarchs. 

Finally reaching the final step, the soldiers' step aside revealing the full appearance of the newcomer. A newcomer would be redundant. 

Subsequently, another set of footsteps exited the castle doors. This one in particular had more spunk, which was a definite given as a figure leap off the tallest flight of stairs. The crowd of spectators, even Violet raises their eyes in astonishment and fear. Instantaneously, that same figure crash lands beside the man. The ground shook temporarily from the force of the landing which of course startled the townspeople, some even fell to their backsides in fear. 

The young woman who appeared on the scene wore business tire from head to toe. Her charcoal-colored heels sparkled in reference to her natural ponytail. Fresh glasses rested on her beautiful, yellow cheek boned skin dazzling a few males in the crowd. Wrapped around her hourglass figure was a tight brown blazer buttoned to the top up to neck. With intense cinnamon eyes, the woman adjusts her glasses before blurting loudly, "You are standing in the presence of Councilman Justin Tame!"

A radiant light transition into the frame of the renowned councilman as though he was an angel sent from heaven. The tan colored eyes of Justin painted a tale no other mortal could ever imagine, visually displaying a cosmic essence resting in the pupils of his eyelids. His spiked black hair curled upwards like a flame, nearly touching the lengths of his shoulders. The gorgeous, silky exterior of his cinnamon skin shows how tidy and professional he was. Unlike the United Nation men, Councilman Justin wore an outfit specifically equipped with a long, majestic silver cape and body armor protected by enhancements of crystals forged from the planet's energy. 

The United Nation men in charge of protecting the castle gates had stepped aside, hands clapped against their chest in a respected behavior. Justin responses positively to this and boldly shouts with vigor, "Good people, there is no need to fret. The majesties are simply having a meeting with the respected nobles of the land. Although they have been gone, I am absolutely certain that your needs will be met once everything has been settled!"

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