Higher Authority Ch.4

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I've never been this angry about something so much in my life!

Althea better be lucky that I like her or I never would have been willing to sit through such a boring lecture.

Why did the higher ups decided to put an angel like myself in this death trap just to listen to someone I don't care about?

If my head touches this desk right now then I am so going to fall asleep.

"Violet!" Oh no, the instructor called my name.

"I hope you can recall the question I just ask that will most definitely deserve an answer?"

Oh god, this woman was stern. I only been in this session for thirty minutes and I'm already getting the short end of the stick. Damn it, what was the question?!

"The question was which god does the Chaos Primes worship?"

Why the hell are we talking about the Chaos Primes for?

"Just answer the question, Violet."

"Sorry about that," I returned my focus back to the instructor with a fake smile. "The answer is Arcana, the Eastern God that controls Fate."

The snobbish teacher gives a doubtful face but turns around to continue the lesson. That was incredibly irritating. Perhaps I should start paying attention; it's not like I want my grades to drop anyway.

"I'm proud that you been able to stick it out in class for a while, Violet; usually, you would be ready to leave or cause a fit."

"People change," I got kind of annoyed, but I just exhaled. "I guess Alpha's influence has been rubbing off on me."

"That's good to know, but just be mindful that we still have a task that needs to be completed."

A smile creeps on my face, "Trust me, I'm already ahead of myself."

After the session was over, the instructor allowed us to exit for a quick break. Usually how these events transpire is that each student is given three sessions to attend. Based on their heritage and rank, some students are allowed an extra session in which they are authorized to engage in physical activities.

Every session lasts about an hour so that's basically three hours in the Academy we have to suffer through without any food or fun. It's not like we were being monitored or watched because any ounce of foolery will be tossed back to the parents and the child would not live to see the next day for humiliating their family.

"I'm sorry if I come off too rude but you mortals live boring ass lives."

"I'm choosing to ignore that for the sake of people looking at me in these halls."

Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted, the students get a thirty minute break to walk around and socialize; however, we cannot leave until we finish the sessions. They were mandatory classes that would inspire us to reach for our dreams, especially when it came to the obstacle course.

"I can see one of our friends over there."

It was Yuta; finally, someone I can talk to!

Look at her trying so hard to act proper and sophisticated; I should really just tickle her and see what she does.

"She told us to not play with her like that during Academy hours; as a noble, she is not meant to drop composer under any circumstance."

Sadly though, I was already spotted by her. Yuta came strolling by with her tiny books in hand like she was a scholar. Why do I keep saying that; the girl is a nuthead for anything that has anything to do with technology, stories, and or romance.

It was sort of adorable because whenever we hit up the libraries, she is the first one to check out anything she finds. Just as long as she doesn't offer me to read anything then we're cool.

"Sup, bookies, how you doing?!" I said loudly on purpose.

Yuta's face got incredibly red, but she was trying hard to replace it with a frown, "What did I say about calling me that around everyone?!"

"Chill out, baby," I lightly punched her arm which made her turn away in anger. "You know how funny you look when you keep carrying those things around?"

"Not really," She scoffs while throwing her right hand against her hair. She likes doing that for some reason too? "You just like to do whatever you want don't you?" Yuta continues bluntly.

"If I didn't do whatever I wanted then I wouldn't be Violent."

"I wouldn't be Violet if I did do what everybody wanted."

Yuta exhales strongly and stops walking. Perhaps I was really getting on her nerves, so I'll just be quiet for a while. Her dangerous crimson eyes were flaring with the same intense vibe she gives to her enemies. This was the type of girl that was truly meant to be feared and respected. If it was anything she demanded and didn't receive then it was trouble for the opposing side. To her, that is what it was to be a part of the Whitefall household.

I wanted to keep moving elsewhere to try to take the heat off the situation until we were stopped by an unexpected endeavor. Yuta didn't seem so surprise by who just turned the corner, but I was incredulous from start to finish.

It was the infamous, unparalleled son of the Chaos Prime leader, Lancer.

His energy was just what I expected from any member of that society: wicked and bloodstained.

From first glance, I can tell that he has or already added bodies under his name.

As he walks past, I thought I was hallucinating when his brown rugged eyes narrowed in our direction. He knew better than to speak to us, mainly because we were humanoids and we detested his kind with a gold heart. That Prime kept his eyes focused for too long to the point where I was about to say something, until Yuta had poked my stomach gently. "Violet, what's wrong with you?" She asks, and her concern was what diverted my attention.

"You didn't just see what happened?!"

"She definitely saw everything."

"The Chaos Prime leader's son is in this Academy and nobody thought about telling me?!"

Yuta was calm yet again with her reply, "It is not my first time running into the latter; we met slightly before the first sessions began."

"Did he speak to you?"

"It was I who spoke to him," She replies with a cheeky smile, and I couldn't believe the words I was hearing. "I simply wanted him to apologize for stepping in my way, and then he responded with something rather enthralling."

I still failed to understand the reasons behind why this conversation about a Prime was still happening, so I decided to shut it down, "It doesn't matter what he said, Yuta; he is not allowed to converse with a humanoid, hell, a noble at that. He should have been kissing your feet and begging to not have you tell him off to the United Nations!"

"Maybe so, but the system does not prevent us from making the decisions that we choose. Keep in mind that free will still exist, Violet, you just need to figure out do you want someone else to hold on to it or do you want to drive it yourself." After that, Yuta walks away and she didn't look back.

"She really got mad at us?"

"I don't understand why she would get all fired up over a Chaos Prime; it just doesn't make any sense."

"Just continue onward with the day."

I exhaled hard and stretched my arms until my back was arched, "Alright, well, hopefully she feels better about whatever she was mad about. Time to make sure that I don't fall asleep during any of these next few classes."

"We will not fall asleep."

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