The Reunion Yet to Come Ch.5

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The day was long as usual, and not a chance in hell will things ever seem to fall in my favorable arms.

It becomes hard when the world sees nothing but the bad instead of the good. What is truly good and is truly evil? That will probably be the only quote I take from my father.

Speaking of the devil, I just had a conversation with him moments before the third session ended. My father decided to give us a phone to use. Even at my rank, I'm not allowed to use one but I've been granted illegal insurance to keep it on me.

That's the price you pay for being a Chaos Prime, we're always doing the wrong thing.

Denise was there during the entire conversation; we spoke to him together. I couldn't believe how gentle and caring he was sounding all of a sudden. He was asking questions about our day, mainly mines, but Denise would try to hog all the talking rights.

Part of me got annoyed because I wanted to speak to father, but I just kept my cool.

After my sister was done talking, it was one line father told me before he departs from the line, "Remember to keep her safe."

Then the line drops.

I couldn't help but sigh, but this time, I wasn't that mad. He kept reminding me of my 'job' and I knew exactly what it was; no matter what, I can't lose another piece of myself again.

"Don't you have that extra class to go to, brother?" I heard Denise say which perk my attention.

"Yeah, I can't be late there; I will see if they will let us both inside since you have nowhere else to go."

Suddenly, her face grew into a frown of anger and holy hell I knew what was coming next, "How do you know I don't have anywhere else to go? I was just making sure you didn't forget you had a class and then decide to skip."

"You got that much lack of faith in me?" That shit really hurt, and no matter what she say, she'll probably end up agreeing with me.

"At times, yes."

"Father will slay me if anything happens to you so let's not debate about this, please." That was really the last string I had left because the others had already snapped.

Denise knew I had won the argument and just silently tread from behind. It was good to finally have peace and quiet, even for a second.

I had to check the map on the wall to figure out where the extra sessions events are located. Since this is my first time here, I still have to struggle with directions. Denise comes by and began
reading it too. She points to the lower levels that were marked with a red color. "We're already on the floor it's on, it's just all the way at the end."

"Good eye, I forgot that you attended this place when I wasn't around." I say with a smile of gratitude.

Denise giggles and couldn't help herself to adding on a arrogant response, "Yeah, during those times, I had to fend for myself. That's why a lot of people can't match up to me in my sessions."

"It's good to know that your living up to the expectations of a Prime." Wow, I couldn't believe I just said that.

Eventually, we made it to the end of the hall to meet an obstacle. The entrance was being blocked by familiar faces; it was the same guys that got the jump on me before the first session.

The anger and frustration was forcing memories to indulge my thoughts. Things were worse because Denise was with me, and she didn't need to see what would unfold now. She must've felt my tensed emotions and had stood beside me; her eyes were telling me to stand up straight like a true Prime.

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