Symbol of Authority Ch. 11

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A week has passed, and nothing has been done about these murders. 

Each day, fellow kin are worried that they may lose their lives. Parents are distressed and are losing their patience far quicker. Some of them cursed the United Nation and then they cursed us for the inability to do anything. I've had to keep my children in the house because of this circumstance. If there is a murderer on the loose without any regard for their actions, then it's likely they'll be attacked. 

The Lancer bloodline will not perish; in the name of Arcana, protect my family. 

The day was X9789 and today, the Academy has prevented the students any access. 

Butcher wasn't making the case any better because his political standpoint involved trying to overthrow me as the leader. Little do they know that it'll take more than talking to take my authority "They all know this, so why try?" Eventually, my surroundings conjure into the kitchen, watching as the hot steaming meal was nearly toasting up a storm. I hadn't realized how long I have been daydreaming. 

Denise yells for me from the opposite room, "Dad, someone is knocking on the door!" I followed her voice and saw that she was watching a show on the television. She called me in here while she was already there, clearly showing me how lazy she is. 

"Denise, get the door next time." firmly, I told her reaching for the knob. "Okay, Dad." 

When I opened the door, it was Kristy along with Hunter and Kixx. 

My fellow prime brethren were here, and I couldn't be happier. Both of my brothers were strong built primes and wore suits like they had just come from a festival. Hunter had the bearded face of a warrior; his cheekbones were visible, and his vibrant green eyes carried weight and determination. With hair like the wavy sea, the women of our tribe were attracted to his foreign structure. My right hand was Kixx and he bore a permanent scar above his brown left eye. It was a mighty battle, before the treaty that changed everything. His goatee told his older age than the rest of us; however, his posture and energy emit a shadow of many wise men. He was an inch shorter than Hunter who already started talking to Denise with Kristy right behind her. 

"How's everything going, Nathan?" Hunter greeted proudly with his hand out, and I completed the shake hastily.  

"Business as always, friend. We have much to discuss." 

"Then let us. I too have much to say as well." 

The reasons behind their showings were to talk about the many deaths that have been involving our fellow kin. Our numbers have taken too many hits, so now we must retaliate with our own tactics. Kristy was making herself at home in the kitchen for some reason, and Denise was there helping her. Hunter got involved too since I'm sure he was interested in the food. From the stairway, my son was coming down probably due to all the commotion. 

"Are we having a party or something?" He gazed around in wonder.

"Not exactly, more like a discussion that you are glad to join if you're up for it." I teased him on purpose to see his reaction. His eyes jolted lightly before going back to that serious expression; he still was easy to read. 

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