Forbidden Bond Ch. 15

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                                Gale Lancer

Everyone's true colors are starting to unfold.

It has only been the second week of the first orbital month before the obstacle course and there was so much heat in the competition. Seeing Ryatt using his abilities for the first time was mind-blowing. The way he fights, protect others willingly, and that finale.

To this moment, I couldn't predict his movements. He was so fast, but what was the secret to his technique? If we ever ended up fighting, I wonder how that would turn out.

I was the last one to leave the session since I had to talk to Mr. Brad privately. It was he who wanted to speak to me.

Since he was a United Nation elite instructor, there was certain authorization he carried in his name and status. Turns out, he was affiliated with the Council and has been speaking to Captain Kreggor regarding the incident with the murders. Apparently, they heard rumors from an unknown source that my father is planning an attack to take down the criminal. It was true and it was my duty to keep it a secret for the sake of the Prime race.

I had to lie my way out and I didn't have a problem with it. With the United Nations, nothing could go well if they figured out our plans. After I dismissed myself from the premises, I exited the stadium.

I would have to return to the Synapse to get the rest of my stuff and being alone just made the situation more grueling. As I pass the only entrance, I was completely oblivious to the presences still lurking around. Someone had tugged on the sleeve of my shirt and I turned around in shock to see Delta and Yuta. Were they waiting for me the whole time?

"Delta, Yuta, what brings you girls here?" I ask, feeling flabbergasted.

"We wanted to make sure that you got home safely." Yuta replies, smiling vividly.

"Yeah," Delta had her arms folded reservedly instead. "What she said."

I couldn't help but feel like this was obviously a lie. Why the hell would two humanoids, one of which I'm sure hated me and the other probably liked me, would want to walk home together. "I'm not buying into the bullshit, tell me what you really want!" I say annoyed as I entered the elevator.

The girls followed behind and the elevator closed after. Surprisingly, even if it seemed like a trick, they still felt the need to talk. "Today's session was absolutely crazy, from start to finish." Yuta says while staring at the blonde. "Allan is clearly going to be a threat in this competition."

"And why do you think he will be a problem?" I couldn't help but talk. "He didn't look that tough to me!"

"You don't know anything about the Ark family, Lancer," Delta snaps at me calmly. "They hold a particularly large hierarchy of successful individuals. With an exception to the Altheas, they are close to being perfect beings."

"Well then, I guess that eventually I'll have to take him down." Yuta suddenly giggled so I looked at her in anger because I thought she was purposely making fun of me.

She made it obvious by winking at me when Delta wasn't looking, and I had to hide my flustered cheeks from her gorgeousness. "That's quite the confidence you have, Gale; don't allow your battle with Delta to go to your head."

"Can you stop bringing that up, cousin." Delta angrily huffs.

The elevator returned to the Synapse and so, we all gathered our belongings and equipment. Delta was waiting patiently, but Yuta still had something she needed to find. I stood beside the hot- tempered blonde who was staring with intent to kill. "Stop looking at me like that before I resume our unfinished round!" I uttered frustratingly.

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