Planet Conquerors Ch. 26

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I failed my mission to destroy our primary target. 

Because of princess Althea, I couldn't finally get rid of the Chaos Prime leader's son and now it's possible that he is still alive. 

Alas, I am also surprised to know that I still live. Against the princess herself, I nearly saw my death in each situational crisis. I've sustained heavy injuries and perhaps even now showing my face to the public would bring my downfall. I was so close to achieving greatness just for it to be taken away by nonetheless, a humanoid. No matter the circumstance, those abominations keep finding ways to be hindrances to the Chaos Primes. This was surely not the end.

I awoke to find myself in a secret hideout located underground, beyond the scopes of the majesties. Equipment that helps sustain a sufficient lifestyle was available to the inhabitants who lived underneath the planet's crust. This location was designed and created by brilliant scientist who has lost hope in the course the world is taking. Hench is how I gained possession of a powerful weapon such as the Vaporizer. Thus, the mighty construction has met its end, I will get another one from the scientist soon. 

Little did I know, because of the indulged thoughts, there was someone tending to my current wounds. It took for an alcoholic rag to touch my bloody shoulder to realize that.

"Ouch, damn, can't you be a little gentler when handling my wounds!?" I nearly shouted at the woman beside me. 

Taking a closer look at her appearance, this was the same person who came to my aid right before Althea could deal the final blow. She was here the whole time helping me. The name tag sitting prominent against her lab coat gave me the honor of knowing her name. 

Frost Adamant, an assistant, who works for the man behind all the inventions. She was a beauty at first glance with her vermillion, blood moon pupils and cinnamon, chocolate skin. Her hair barely touched the shoulders, but was still cute and mystified with its silver, colorless gleam. Staring at the nurse for so long caused our eyes to connect. I wasn't prepared for that reaction and immediately turned my head in the opposite direction. Frost's nonchalant expression did not shift and continues wrapping up the last bandage towards my shoulder. 

 "You should be fine now, next time, be more careful." She says studiously.

"I don't need you to tell me that. If I run into the princess again, it will be her head, not mine!"

Footsteps caught our attention and arriving on the scene was the man of the hour himself, David Summet, the scientist who could make miracles out of frustration and misery. He stood at 6'2, higher than Frost and me. With his colorless lab coat, it presented his tone, developed figure and for a man of his stature, you would never imagine he would find interest in working out. He wore rugged tan pants and a button-down gray shirt with charcoal boots. David had pale skin and a much mature, sophisticated atmosphere transmitting around him, almost as divine as the king. His golden wavy hair made him look like a long-lost superhero from another universe and I wouldn't be surprised if that was close to the truth. 

"Professor David, I hope you are feeling alright?" Frost spoke proudly. For the first time, her expressionless face changes to that of admiration for the doctor. I could not blame her since I held him in the same regard, but with less enthusiasm. 

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