Protect the Bloodline Ch. 27

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It was the evening time in the world of Ultraviolet. The sun was no longer ablaze, instead was replaced by the beautiful, translucent moon that provided a nightly shine. A constant beep of the heart monitor continued to make a rhythmic beat in the isolated room. I have been here since the morning when Gale was first diagnosed into the hospital. It was not due to Althea's request that I am still here. My own intense feeling would not allow me to just walk away and leave him. My mind cannot handle the weight of losing him, especially if it was my fault. 

I am stricken with disbelief each time I happen to look at Gale. Such a strong-willed individual was on the brink of death and there was nothing I could do about it. It was too heartbreaking. From what I could analyze, it seems that the real threat in this competitive game is Ryatt. He deliberately allowed Althea to fight alone, and the reason was unknown. Could it be that he wants to take her out to make the contest easier for himself? 

His skills and status of a hero makes him likely to strive as the number #1 successor to the throne. 

My eyes glowed in the darkness of the room after a realization. A man of his nature could not see himself as anything less than a king. The way he moves and talk; it almost looks like he already is planning to rule over us. If that is true, his intentions are to use Althea but for what purpose?

The time was getting too late. My parents would scowl me, or even worse for coming back so late. Either way, I had to leave. 

Right before I left, I walked over to Gale's unconscious body. His squeamish face twisted in unfortunate pain that I had no remedy to. 

"Goodbye, Gale." I say sadly, turning my body slightly. 

Something stopped me, or rather someone stopped me instead. I looked back at Gale and my heart couldn't be happier to see that his eyes were open. He managed to raise his arm slightly to touch my fingers with a weak grip. His small smile told me he was excited to see me, so I came close, too close for his comfort, "Gale, thank Clockwork, your alive!"

"Somehow." He mumbled and checked underneath his hospital gown to see his wound had been stitched up. A momentarily expression of worry washed on Gale's face, to the point where I had to ask a specific question. 

"What happened to your healing factor?" I ask, calmly. 

"I have no idea." Gale looks at the ceiling, absentmindedly and lost as he replies. "All I can remember is that Zane labeled me a traitor for associating with Althea and then when he pulled out his weapon, I was suddenly on the ground."

"He shot you with a weapon called: Vaporizer." I told him and his eyes returned their attention to my own. "Althea told me everything."

"Where is Alpha, is she okay?" His voice carried intense concern.

"She is okay, but her parents had returned after the incident, and she had to go back to the castle; I've been here watching you the whole time."

Gale drops his head against the pillow and exhales, "Thank you for staying by my side, Yuta; without you here, then I would have surely missed my chance to compete in the course."

I impulsively clenched my fists; there was still more he didn't know. At this moment, I had already broken traditions and what I planned to do now required to put my entire trust onto this one man. "Gale." I called his name and so his rugged, brown eyes returned to my crimson sockets, "I need you to do something for me."

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