Inner Thoughts Ch. 18

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The following morning, I haven't left the castle. Annabeth informed me that the Academy has been shut down until further notice because of more murders. This case was starting to get out of hand and surprisingly, the United Nation or the Council hasn't handled anything yet.

Whoever this person is that's doing this, they certainly hated the Chaos Primes; however, what are they trying to achieve by doing this?

I wanted to go outside. I wanted to fight this threat for the sake of the Primes, but no one would allow me.

Annabeth was like a hawk and she would know instantly when I leave. I already received a call from Yuta, stating that she was coming by to check on me. Violet hasn't contacted me or come over to the castle for a while now. Was she mad at me?

The last time we saw each other, she was angry and was saying a lot of terrible things about the Primes. I just hope she's doing well.

The doorbell had rung so I assumed it was Yuta. I scurried over to the large doors and opened it. Much to my surprise, it was Ryatt instead of my close girlfriend. He was dressed in his United Nation uniform, but his energy felt different than normally. Was he stressed, and how did he get pass the security without triggering the alarm?

"Ryatt, what are you doing here?" I ask worried.

"I came here because I needed to talk to you about something important." He says impatiently. "Can I come in, please?"

I stepped aside for my friend to enter before closing the door behind him. He first walked into the living area and sits down on the sofa. This was the first time I've seen Ryatt so alert and pressed. What was on his mind? He callously intertwined his fingers against his chin while gazing back and forth into space and reality, "I came here because I think I know who the killer might actually be."

My eyes widen in amazement, "Really," I couldn't help but smile but Ryatt didn't seem so happy about knowing. "Who is it?"

He didn't respond immediately, so I came closer and sat beside him on the couch. Ryatt kept his brown eyes forward, but his seriousness was so handsome that I would complement him if the situation wasn't so dreadful. I placed a hand on top of his because I felt like it was becoming troubling for him to answer.

"Please, Ryatt, who is it?"


He completely faces me, and his mouth was close to revealing the truth. I was so compelled to hear who, but the loud bangs on the door spoiled the whole moment. Annabeth would surely come now because of that, hopefully she didn't hear it.

I opened the door and it was Yuta waiting patiently in her uniform. She too must've thought there were sessions today. I was in relief to know that she was still her usual professional and aloof self despite the rapid rise of conflict happening in our glorious dominion.

"Morning, Yuta, come on in." I say kindly, stepping to the side.

"Morning and thank you." She responds while walking inside. When she spotted Ryatt sitting rigidly on the sofa, she questions him, "Why are you here, Ryatt?"

"Is it strange for me to be here?" I could tell he felt offended after being asked the same thing twice.

"You just don't normally hang here at the castle."I giggled lightly.

"Usually, you like to drive around and have fun; seeing you sitting down for this long is surprising." Yuta also adds nonchalantly.

"I just needed to figure out how to come with the truth."

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