Wrong people

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"What about you Tara?" she didn't say anything "I uh, I stayed with my dad, sister and niece" I looked down "They died?" She nodded "My niece died yesterday along with my sister and girlfriend" I patted her back "I'm sorry. May I ask how?" She didn't say anything playing with her fingers. I sighed softly looking at Rosita "When the world fell I was in Virginia, umm my girlfriend at the time was in prison" Her eyes shot up "Prison for what?" I laughed at her shocked expression "She was accused of murder. Umm courts said she murdered her cousins rapist which looking back on it now, she probably did. I mean she was practically her sister, and if someone ever did that to Maggie or Beth. They would be walking with the dead right now" 

She nodded "But so I was there, then when everything started to fall I made my way back to the farm here in Atlanta and then Rick and his people came we fell in with them" She nodded "Who's Rick?" I smiled "His sorta our leader. We have- we had a group of about god I wanna say about 12 of us. Rick, Carl, Judith, Carol, Daryl, Maggie, Glenn, Beth, Daddy, Sasha, Tyreese, and Michonne. They became family so" she looked over at Eugene and Abraham "They may be idiots but their my family now" I smiled looking at them as well

We each talked and shared stories from our past just trying to get to know each other. "I'm gonna call it a night, see you ladies in the morning" I got up walking to a corner of the tunnel putting my bag down using it as my pillow. "Sam" I awoke to Rosita gently kicking my leg, "We're going come on" I rubbed my face "Come on get your ass up" I groaned "Someones bossy in the mornings" She gave me a fake smile "I am when we have lazy people, now come on" I stretched standing up. Once I had everything situated we began to head out into the world. Tara walked by me which was nice, we talked about random things, giggling and over all enjoying each others company for the short time we had together

"Did your dad know you liked girls?" She nodded "He was the first person I told" I smiled "My daddy umm, was a religious fellow so he didn't take it well at first" She smiled sadly "I'm sorry. Is that why you were in Virginia?" I nodded "Ya. But we were able to talk everything through and he apologized which was nice" The conversation continued to flow amazingly. "Guys" We stoped talking looking ups t the building that said 'TERMINUS' in big letters, we walked in quickly excited to see what this place was all about. We walked through till a lady turned around "Hi. I'm Mary. You all looked like you've been on the road for a while" Maggie nodded "We have" the woman smiled "Lets get you settled and we'll make you a plate. Welcome to terminus" 

A group of people came over taking our things from us all being overly friendly. "Hey no I want that back" The woman smiled at me "Its okay dear, just relax everything is okay" I shook my head "No I want my bag" A man walked over to me "Miss you need to calm down" I scoffed "I am calm asshole she just took my shit" The woman shook her head "She's lying Jeff, I was doing as Mary ordered" Another person came up behind me covering my mouth with a cloth knocking me out. I awoke in a freight car with, Tara, Glenn, Maggie, Eugene, Rosita, Abraham, Sasha and Bob "What the fuck" I rubbed my head "Where are we?" Abraham was banging on the wall "A fucking freight car. Those assholes put us in here"

I sighed "Stop fucking banging on the wall. Your going us no good" He turned to me "We need to keep him safe. Do you think this is safe" everyone started to gain concessions "Hey fuck you man. I didn't ask to be put in a container" He scoffed "Your the one who wanted to come here. To find your sister" I scoffed "Because's she's my sister. Your fucking delusional if you think I wouldn't do anything to protect or see my family again" He looked down at me "You have a mouth on you girl" I almost punched him  but Tara stepped between us "And you need to take a chill pill. Everything will workout in the end just calm down so I can think" 

I had no clue how much time had passed but there was a lot of gunfire going on. "This is our chance we can get out of here" I agreed with Sasha "Ya, lets try and pry that door open" Glenn shook his head "No. We need to stay here. Its a miracle that none of us had died" I stood up pacing "Those assholes took everything from us. Everything" Maggie patted my leg "Sam stop, just stay calm" I looked down at her "We need to get out of her Mags. We need to find the others find Beth" She sighed softly "I know we do. I know. But Glenns right if we stay calm and play our cards right then maybe we can get out of here alive" 

The doors to the freight opened reveling a group of four people. I didn't think anything of it till Glenn got up, "Rick?" He turned to us face softening, we all got up walking towards them. I looked behind me seeing Tara "There our friends... They helped save us" Daryl nodded "Yeah. their friends of ours" Abraham spoke up "For however long that'll be" he tuned to walk away but Rick shook his head "No" He walked towards the door 'Their gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out" Abraham spoke again "Find out what" he turned to us with that menacing look "That they're fucking with the wrong people"

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now