I'm sorry

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We walked for miles upon miles till we needed to stop for the night. I went out with Daryl to find some food. "So you and that new girl" I frowned "What new girl? Tara or Rosita?" he smirked "Tara, you're sweet on her" I rolled my eyes pushing a branch away form my face "Like your not sweet on Carol" He stopped "That different" I chuckled "No it ain't. You nearly creamed yourself when you saw her" he rolled his eyes "And you eye fuck Tara all the time" I shoved him lightly "Kill a fucking animal"

He put his hand up raising his bow "Watch this" He shot killing two squirrel "Wow you can feed two people" he rolled his eyes walking over to the fresh kill, "You hold 'em" I gaged "Eww gross" He gave me a dirty look "So you can kill walkers no problem but when it comes to dead animals that where you draw the line" I nodded "Yup" He mumbled that I'm unbelievable under his breath "You know you love me Dixon" He ignored me killing another one. We stayed out till the sun's starting to set coming back with 5 squirrels "Look at you, a woman who can hunt" I smirked holding up the dead animals "Ya, Dixon here didn't do shit" He snatched them form my hand "Go sit down" I flipped him off walking over to Tara and Rick

"You didn't want to be there. That why I talked to you" I clasped my hands together "You two know each other?" he shook his head "No, I was just telling her a story" I looked at Tara who nodded. "Yup a story" I smile wrapping my arm around her "Well, sorry to interrupt but ya'll need to try the squirrel I got us for dinner" Rick tilted his head "You mean Daryl?" I shook my head "Nope, he was actually scared to hold the dead animals" He laughed walking away

"You good friends with Dixon?" I nodded "We got close when uh Carols daughter was missing. I uh helped him search for her against my daddy wishes" She looked down "She passed?" I nodded "Ya" I unwrapped my arm from her "Well enough with the doom and gloom lets eat" We ate some food talking about everything "Look at you two. All cuddled up" I flipped Daryl off "Go away freak" he shook his head sitting right in between us "Nope"

I groaned "Your annoying" He shrugged "Not as much as you" Tara scooted away getting up to talk to other people "I fucking hate you" He smiled "Come on it was funny" I groaned in annoyance "She's totally into you by the way" I stood up "What do you know about love?" He licked him fingers "I know somethings" I shook my head standing up "I'm sure you do Dixon"

The rest of the night fell into a blur. We woke up early stopping when needed then continue to walk. I didn't talk to Daryl at all and frankly I had no reason too. He messed up my opportunity to be with a really hot woman and acted like it was all fun in games. Tara fell behind a little bit so I took that as my opportunity to flirt "Hey" She looked up "Hey" I felt awkward "What music did you use to listen too?" I looked up "Oh god, uhh everything really. My sister loved Ed Sheeren, uh but I was old school Mötley Crüe usually or Def Leopard"

She smiled "Good taste" I laughed "Ya well what do you expect I'm literally the coolest person to walk the earth" She burst out laughing "Your a dork" I but my lip walking backwards "Hey don't let people know. They think I'm all tough" She smiled "I'm gonna tell the whole world" I put my hand over my heart "You wouldn't dare" She smirked "Oh I would" She stopped walking "Here" I walked over towards her taking the flower from her "Thanks, its almost as pretty a you" She blushed "You think I'm pretty?" I nodded "I think your beautiful" She looked down "Come on lets catch up"

We walked the rest of the way together talking about our past and random things. When we set up camp for the night we stayed by each other. The next morning was the same we walked some more, Michonne nodded for me to walk by her so I did just that "So you two seem to get along just dandy" I smiled "You jealous Mitch?" She shook her head giggling "Its nice to see you have friends Sam" I furred my brows "Your my friend" She nodded "True but other people not just Carol and I" I rolled my eyes kicking a stone on the floor "HELP SOMEBODY HELP" We all started running to the mystery persons aid

When we got to the person it was a dude on a rock kicking off 5 walkers. I ran to his aid killing one while the others got the rest "Come on down" He looked frightened slowly coming off the rock. "You okay?" he nodded turning to throw up, I averted my eyes groaning in disgust "Sorry, Yes. Thank you, I'm Gabriel" Rick took the lead asking that dude some questions. I took that as my opportunity to look around "Sam" I closed my eyes "Ya" I didn't bother to turn around "You okay?" I nodded "I'm fine"

Taras hand found its way inside mine I looked at her smiling softly "Are you okay?" she nodded "Yup" I looked at her lips then her eyes, "Do you trust this guy?" I shrugged "I don't know. He's a fucking pussy I'll tell you that right now" She snickered looking at out hands "I think he's gonna turn out to be a pretty okay dude" I raised an eyebrow "Ya?" She nodded "Ya" I smiled "Well if you think that then I'll have to bet you" She rolled her eyes dropping my hand "Our groups leaving" I fallowed her up to the group where Carol fell into place besides me. "Whats going on with you and that girl?" I ignored the question "Where were you when the prison fell" She sighed "Out. Surviving" I rolled my eyes "We needed you back there" she touched my arm "I know. And I'm sorry"

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now