Your an ass

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Once the bus started to go and we moved farther away from our group I felt like I could breath a littler easier. Rosita started to play with Abs hair "Getting a little messy don't you think?" They started to flirt making me smile, its nice seeing them be all cute on one another Rosita deserves it. "Hey maybe she can give you a trim while she's at it. Parties getting a little long in the back don't you think?" Eugene ignored Tara "Or is that your source of power" he kept looking straight "I'm not slaying the lion anytime soon"

I rolled my eyes whispering in her ear "He's a fucking dork" She giggled slapping my chest softly "So why the hair" He looked at me "My old boss said and I quote 'Its makes me look like a fun guy' which I am" I laughed softly "So no one's taking scissors or clippers to my locks understand me Miss Espinoza" Rosita chuckled leaning back "Loud and clear" I looked at Tara "He's weird" She rolled her eyes "Shit"

The car started to making weird noises "Abe everything okay" Before he had a chance to respond the car flipped making us all hit the roof as it rolled, my head was on fire "Everyone okay" I groaned "Ya" I stood grabbing Taras hand "You alright?" She nodded "Your head" I closed my eyes "I'm okay" She touched it making me wince "Your not okay" I shrugged her "I'm fine okay" Glenn and Abe opened the hatch "Tara cover Eugene" She nodded once the hatch was open Maggie, Rosita, Abe, Glenn and I got out killing the walkers that were coming for us

"Your head" Maggie touched it making me slap her hand away "I'm fine Maggie, okay. Just a little cut" She shook her head "No, first aids on the bus I'll get it" Just as she was walking back the bus caught on fire burning fast, she stopped "Lets keep moving" I nodded grabbing my bag looking at Tara "We need something for you guys" I shrugged it off "Darling I'm okay seriously" She nodded walking with me falling Abe

We walked for miles and miles till it started to turn dark, "Over here" We fallowed him into a building, once it was cleared we started to set up camp. Eugene started a fire, Tara found water, Glenn and Abe moved shelves around, Maggie, Rosita, and I tore pages from books. Maggie handed her a string to stitch up Abes hand with then another one for my head. She started on Abe first then when he got up she started on me. "We haven't talked in a while" I shrugged looking at her "We talked yesterday" She tilted her head "You know what I meant"

I nodded "I know, I've just been busy with" She fallowed my gaze on Tara who was helping Maggie cook food, "You really like her huh?" I nodded "A lot" She smiled stabbing the needle through my head "Fuck" She smiled "Sorry" I winced as she continued to stitch it. We talked about random thing "Your in love with him huh" She smiled cutting the sting "Ya" I smirked "Its cute, the way you two interact" She smiled "Ya well" Abe came back over "Rosita I need to talk to you for a moment" she nodded getting up

Tara sat by me "Your head looks better" She touched it "Gonna leave a scar" I shrugged tilting my head "Scars are hot, they tell a story" She smiled cupping my cheek "They'll look hot on you" I leaned forward pressing our lips together. Moans filled the room but it wasn't from us, I pulled back looking to where the noise was form "Oh my god their fucking" She laughed "Hey man, its the end of the world" I looked back to her "Are you saying you want me to fuck you where everyone can hear?" She covered my mouth with her hand "No, shut up"

I licked her palm "Eww" She wiped it on my shirt making me laugh "You killed the mood" I laid on the floor "Ehh, I can get you back in it" She shook her head standing up "Go to sleep" I leaned up on my elbows "I cant sleep without a goodnight kiss" She shook her head "I have to pee, you'll get one when I come back" I nodded leaning my head on my arm. She came back a little while later laying next to me "You'll never guess what I found Eugene doing" I was starting to drift off to sleep "What?" I felt her move

"He was watching Rosita and Abe have sex" I started to laugh "What" her body shook with laughter "Ya, your right he is weird" I made a noise of approval "Lets sleep I'm tired" I rolled over on my stomach wrapping my arm around her. Her breath hitched, I went to remove myself form her but she stopped "Stay" I smiled kissing her neck softly

I awoke the next morning before she did. I smiled removing myself from her, sitting up. I yawned standing as I stretched. Rosita and Abe were in the other room talking, "Hey" They looked over at me "Hi" I rubbed my eye sitting on one of the chairs "How'd you sleep?" I yawned again "Ehh, my neck hurts" She nodded "Ya'll had fun last night" Abe laughed "Yes we did" I smiled looking at Maggie, Glenn, Tara and Eugene come into the room

"This place is a good place to set up base, until we get some wheels" Abe stood up "We have wheels" I frowned "What?" He walked to the window "Right across the street" We grabbed all our gear walking out into the heat, "A fucking firetruck" He smirked "Yes ma'am" I laughed walking up to it "Damn, Mag remember when they would bring this to school?" She laughed "Ya, and you would make them blast the siren" I smiled "Hey it was cool" She wrapped her arm around my neck "Your a dork" I wrapped my hand around her waist looking at it, the truck started to move "Hop in"

We all got in it smiling "As cool as you remembered?" I nodded "Just about" the truck stopped "GOD DAMIT" They guys got out while we stayed in "Remember when you wanted to be a firefighter" I smiled "Ya, but then I decided to be a film maker" Tara looked at me "You were a film maker?" I nodded "Ya, I made a few Indie movies but nothing that was good" She tilted her head "Suits you" I smiled "Thanks" We shared a smile "GUYS GET OUT HERE" We all ran out seeing a shit ton of walkers

We started to clear them but they just kept coming and coming. A ton of water started to spray us getting us soaked and also clear out the walkers. The water shut off reveling Eugene behind the water, "I'm soaked" I took my shirt off ringing out the water from it, I felt Taras eyes on me "Like what you see?" She nodded "A lot" I smiled putting my shirt back on "Theres a goodwill not too far from here, we can get supplies, dry clothes" Abe shook his head "Not necessary, you'll air dry. I'll get this truck running and we'll be on our marry way"

He stood on top the truck bursting out laughing, we looked at the floor seeing it painted 'sick inside let them die' he threw his hands up "Here's the problem" he started to clear it out throwing flesh to the floor. I walked over to Tara "You looked a little red you okay?" She stopped walking "Did you really need to take your shirt off?" I snickered "Ya, I was wet" She rolled her eyes "Why it make you all hot and bothered?" She didn't say anything, I whispered into her ear "Don't worry darling, you make me wet too" I walked away getting on the truck. She joined us a few minutes later "Your an ass" I smiled "That I am"

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now