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"No" Abe shrugged "Good luck then. I'm not looking to break up anything you have here. Rosita grab you're gear" I looked at Rick unsure of what to do "Eugene move it" The guy didn't budge "I don't want to" Abe groaned "Now" he nodded getting up, the three of them started to walk away "You're not taking the bus" they stopped walking "Try and stop me" Rick started to walk forward, "WAIT, WAIT WAIT" I stood up straighter "You stay and help us, and we, we'll go with you" Rick shook his head "No" Glenn turned to him "Not your call"

I didn't know what to do or what to say "We'll leave with you" he nodded "12 hours then we go" We all walked to the main area of the church grabbing all the guns and ammo. Tara sat to my left with Maggie on my right. "You really want to leave 'em Mags?" She shook her head blowing into the top of the gun "No" I cleaned the barrel of mine "We left Beth, it's stupid" She sighed "I don't wanna leave okay. But if we have to then we will" I didn't say anything continuing to work on my gun.

Tara handed me a bunch of ammo "Thanks" She gave me a small smile "Ya'll ready?" I looked up holstering my pistol and grabbing my assault rifle "Always" Rick nodded holstering his gun as well before standing and walking outside, Tara walked over kissing me quickly "Ready" I smiled kissing her again "Yup" We walked outside meeting up with the group

We searched the whole school not seeing sign of any of them. "Where the fuck are they?" I looked at Rick "Church" We all started to run back as fast as we possibly could. When we got to the church Rick put his finger over his mouth singling for us to be quiet. We quietly walked up the steps and opened the door. There they were talking to our people who were locked behind doors, I raised my gun shooting one of them in the head then Abe did the same. They turned around shocked "Put your guns on the floor"

I had my sights on Gareth "Rick we'll fire right into that door, you put your weapons down" Rick shot him in the hand making him fall to the floor, he came out of the dark "Put your guns on the floor and kneel" Gareth groaned in pain "Do what he says" We started to walk along the sides of the room surrounding them "Martin there's no choice here" he scoffed "There is" I pointed my gun into his head "Wanna bet" He lowered his gun kneeling to the floor

Rick walked in front of Gareth "No point in begging right?" He looked up at Rick "No" The man on the floor scoffed "You could have killed us when you walked in. There had to be a reason for that" Rick shrugged "We didn't want to waste the bullets" I looked at Sasha "We used to help people, we used to save people. Things changes they came in and they.... After that, I know that you've been out there but I can see it. You don't know what it is to be hungry"

Rick tilted his head "You don't have to do this. We can walk away and we will never cross paths again I promise you" Rick scoffed "But you'll cross someones path. You'd do this to anyone right? Besides I already made you a promise" he took the red handle machete and launched it into that guys brain. I turned my gun around bashing the guys head in. Rick, Michonne, Sasha, Abe and I were the only ones to do this while Glenn, Maggie and Tara watched

I walked outside kneeling looking up at the moon. Flashes of that guys brain and skull flying engraved in my head. I tried to calm my breathing and it was working, "Hey..." I turned seeing Tara sitting in the steps, I didn't say anything just staying in my position "You okay?" I nodded standing up "I'm okay. Are you?" She nodded, I walked over cupping her face "Its over now. We're safe" She looked up "Are we though?" I nodded "For now" She moved her face away from my hand "You murdered that man like it was nothing"

I looked to my left licking my lips "I did what I had to do. They would have hurt us, and I will never let anything bad happen to you" She stood up "Lets get you cleaned up" She held out her hand for me to take, wee walked back inside the church. She sat me on one of the bench grabbing a washcloth and some water. She poured it into the cloth bring it up to my face cleaning me softly. "Am I a bad person?" She shook her head "No, why?" I shrugged "Because I killed that guy with no hesitation"

She stopped cleaning making me look at her "Your not a bad person. Your one of the good ones trust me" I looked down, "You don't even know me" She tilted my head up "I know you well enough that you'll do anything for your family" I didn't say anything. She finished cleaning my face without further conversation, "I'm gonna go for a walk" She nodded standing up going to clean the rag

While I walked everything that transpired in the last week played through my head. Daddy's death, loosing Beth, being captured, murdering a guy it all was too much. I didn't even know it but my face started to feel wet from the tears. I turned around walking back to the church, when I got there everyone was outside, Sasha was tying a cross together. I walked over sitting next to her

"He was one of the good ones" she sniffled turning to hug me. I accepted the hug letting her cry, we stayed like that for a few moments. When she calmed down we stood up "Take care of yourself okay?" She nodded "You too" I hugged her again before walking over to Carl, "I have something for you" He looked up "What?" I smiled reaching through my bag grabbing a camera, "This is for Judith and you. It's the videos I took from the farm and prison. You're moms in some of the clips along with Shane. I thought Judith would like to see what her mom looks like one day" He hugged me crying

"Your my best friend Sam" I started to cry too, "Your mine Carl" I pulled back kissing his head "I'll see you again, one day" His lips quivered "Be safe" I smiled "You too buddy" I walked over to Michonne who was holding Judith "By hunny" The baby cooed reaching out for me. I kissed her head bouncing her softly "Be safe" I nodded handing the baby back to her, "You too" We hugged tightly careful to not bother Judith. Rick was standing out front talking to Glenn. I walked next to him "Rick" he turned to me "Thank you for everything. You're a good man. Take care of yourself and these people" he pulled me in for a hug "Take care of yourself" I nodded walking towards the bus, I sat next to Tara who was looking out the window. "Ready?" I nodded "Ya"

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now