Look at her now

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The bus stopped a little while later. We all got out so Abe could fix the engine. I digged through my bag for my cigarets "Really?" I looked up "Ya, really" Tara shook her head walking away I got up putting them away "What?" She didn't say anything looking down the road where we just came from "Tara" She turned to me "Why do you smoke?" I shrugged "I've always been a smoker, sorry if thats a problem for you" I started to walk away "Its not a problem I just don't want you to get lung cancer" I turned to her "I wont, I'm almost out anyways" She didn't say anything turning to look back out.

I sighed walking back towards her, wrapping my arms wound her waist "I'm gonna quit I promise" She nodded turning to me capturing my lips in a sweet kiss, "It's just...my dad had lung cancer, I can see what it does to people" I hugged her kissing her head "I'm sorry" She hurried her head in my neck, "Ladies lets go" We pulled away walking to the group. "Cant fix it big man?" He shook his head "Nope" I nodded searching the trees for any walkers that we may find.

We stopped walked when things started to smell terrible and a hoard became very visible, Tara gaged while I coughed. "Jesus" I started to walk back with Glenn "Abraham let's go" We stopped looking at the ginger man "We need to go man" He shook his head "No" I scoffed "No? Dude we're sitting ducks out here" He turned to me "WE WILL GET THROUGH" I scoffed "She's right, lets go back" He sighed walking back grabbing Eugene "Ow" He ignored him "Let go of him, I'm not gonna let you do this" He gripped the shorter guy harder "Yes you are" Tara walked in front putting her hands up but he pushed her, I got up on his face punching him as hard as I could

Glenn ran over 'YOU ARE DONE. YOUR DONE" He shoved Glenn "I told you, you do not touch me"  He shoved him into Rosita who fell, I got right up in his face punching him again, "I'm not a scientist, I'm not a scientist" he threw Eugene and we all stopped "I lied. I'm not a scientist. I don't know how to stop it, I'm not a scientist" We all looked at each other speechless, Rosita stood up "You are a scientist I've seen the things you can do" he shook his head "I just know things" I scoffed "You just 'know things' thats fucking bullshit"

He gulped "I know I'm smarter then most people, I know I'm a very good lier and I know that I needed to get to DC" I closed my eyes in disbelief "Why" He turned his attention to my sister "Because I believe that location call the strongest possibility for survival, and I wanted to survive. If I could cheat some people into taking me there then they'd be doin' me a solid" Abe fell to his knees in utter disbelief "People died trying to get you here" Rositas voice broke as she spoke

"I'm aware of the, Stephanie, Warren, Pam, Rex, Roger, Josiah, Dirk, Josephine and Bob" I clenched my jaw, fighting my grip on my gun "You see I lost my nerve as we grow closer. For I am a coward, in the reality of getting to our destinations and disclosing the truth for the matter they came from frightening shit. I took it upon myself to slow our roll. But at this moment I fully realize there are no longer any agreeable options, we were screwed ether way" Abe stood up punching Eugene, "Hey get off of him" Glenn and I grabbed him pulling him away but he managed to get another punch in, his elbow hitting me in the face as he did so

"Sam" Tara ran to my side "You okay?" I nodded holding my hand over my face "I'm good" She extended her hand out for me to take. I stood up wincing slightly "Hey are you sure your okay?" I patted her cheek "I'm fine" I walked over to the group huddled around Eugene, "Jesus, get some water lets clean his face up" I took my shirt sleeve ripping it making a make shift rag, "Are you gonna rip the other one too?" I looked at Rosita "Why you wanna see all my tattoos?" She shook her head "So you don't look like an idiot"

I shook my head "I will when we figure him out" She nodded helping me in whatever way she could. Maggie and I helped him the best we could but he was still out cold, we walked over to Tara and Glenn talking about something stupid "Your gonna get knuckle tats now?" She nodded "Ya it'll be hot" I smiled "Get me some pen ink and a needle you got yourself a stick n poke" She smirked "I'll get right on that hun" I blushed at her nickname "Is he okay?" I nodded "Ya, he's just knocked out, he just needs to wake up"

She nodded grabbing Abrahams water walking over to him, they said something then he slapped it out of her hand standing up. Maggie clocked her gun pointing it at him "Sit down or I will put you down" He slowly kneeled "So what now" I looked at Tara "We need water" Rosita grabbed one of the guns "Theres a creek a few miles down the road" I nodded grabbing my gun "Ya'll go we'll stay here" Glenn looked at my sister "You sure?" she nodded kissing him quickly, I looked at Tara "Stay with her" She nodded "We'll be back soon" I kissed her softly walking to meet up with Glenn and Rosita

We walked to the stream in silence "Hows your eye" I looked at Rosita "Fine, are you okay?" she nodded "Ya I'm good" I didn't say anything "Why did you punch him?" Glenn walked backwards "Why did you intervene?" he looked me dead in the eye "Because I didn't want my sister to get hit" I patted his shoulder "I can handle myself bud" He sighed "So why did you" We saw three walkers "Because he pushed Tara, and I'm not gonna let anything hurt her"

Rosita smirked "She's in love Glenn, you can see it in her eyes" I rolled said eyes "I hate you" She smiled "You love me" I shook my head "Ehh debatable" She giggled leading us to the stream. Glenn crouched scooping up murky water "Do you think it will be clearer up stream?" Rosita walked over to me ripping my other sleeve off "What the fuck" She tied it into a knot "Water filter" I nodded "Damn thats hot" She rolled her eyes grabbing other things to filter it.

"So you can make that in two minutes ?" She nodded "Eugene taught me. Takes while but it will be clear then we can boil it" I sat next to her looking at the stream "As a kid, my brother Shawn and I would go to the stream behind out house a fish for hours" She smiled "Really?" I nodded "Ya we caught all sorts of shit. It was fun, then when Beth got a little older she joined us" Glenn looked over "Not Maggie?" I laughed "Hell no, she said the guts grossed her out" he laughed "And look at her now"

In the end (Walking dead story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora