She's here

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We walked into her office "Scotch?" I sat in the chair "Yes please" she poured herself a glass then me "Your sister speaks very highly of you" I smiled taking my drink "She said your an excellent leader" I sipped my drink "And she also said I would be a fool without your council" I smiled setting the drink of the table "So what are you exactly asking of me?"

She smiled "I'm asking you to work along side your sister in helping me run this place" I looked her dead in the eye "You really want me to help?" She nodded "Ok. I'll help" She leaned back in her chair "I was hoping you'd say" I sipped the beverage "We were hoping you'd start tomorrow" I nodded "Of course" she smiled standing up "Excellent. I'll be seeing you and your sister tomorrow"

I downed the rest of my drink getting up shaking her hand "Yes ma'am" She walked me out talking about her husband and kids, I walked to the gate opening it, "Bye" I walked down the street "Sam?" I stopped looking at the women before me "Lizzie" We just looked at each other in surprise "You-Your alive" I couldn't move "Is-is she- is she alive?" She nodded "Ya, she's here"

I felt warm tears fall down my cheeks "Where?" She smiled "At my house, we're safe" I moved forward hugging the girl tightly, I didn't even realize Ro walking over

"Greene dinner" I ignored the women "Can-Can I see her?" She nodded "Yes of course" I turned to my friend "I'm not coming to dinner, tell them something important came up" She crossed her arms "Whats more important then being with your group?" I looked at Lizzie "Please Ro, just leave it be right now"

She scoffed walking away, I took a deep breath looking at Lizzie "Lead the way" We walked past the homes that the group was staying in going a few house down, "SAM" I looked at Maggie who was putting on a jacket "What are you doing?" I looked back at Lizzie "She's here Mag, she's here" Her eyes softened "Oh Sam" I sniffled "Tell the others something else, I don't want them knowing right now"

She nodded "I love you" I smiled "I love you too Maggie" I turned to Lizzie who waved slightly to Maggie, "Come on Sam" I fallowed her up the steps to a small house, "How is she?" She smiled opening the door, "She's good, really good" I fallowed behind her unsure of what to do, "Harper hunny" The little girl came running down the hallway

"LIZZIE" She ran passed me straight into the younger women's arms, I became overwhelmed with emotion falling to my knees "Harper hunny do you know who this is?" She looked up studying my face "MOMMY" She ran into my arms hugging me tightly. I cried holding onto my daughter "Baby I missed you" I rubbed the back of her head not wanting to let go

"Why are you crying mommy?" I pulled away looking at my daughter, god she looks just like her mother "I'm just so happy to see you pumpkin, I was so worried I wouldn't see you again" She giggled "Your silly, Lizzie said we would meet again" I smiled "She was right baby" I pulled her in for another hug and a kiss, I looked at the younger women "Thank you"

She smiled standing up "Of course, I made some pasta for dinner you want some?" I nodded "Please" She walked into the kitchen while I stayed on the floor holding my daughter "Have you been good for Lizzie?" She nodded "She was very good" I looked over my shoulder at the woman walking back with two bowls "Harper hunny can you come here so we can wash your hands" The little girl got up running the sink where Lizzie lifted her up so she can wash her hands.

I stood sitting at the table "Thank you for it all" The woman placed my daughter in her child seat before seating herself "Like I said Sam, I would do it in a heartbeat" My daughter started to munch on her food "I'm sorry I wasn't there when the world fell" She shrugged it off like it was nothing "Its okay Sam. Truly, we were able to come here right at the start. This is all she's ever known I promise you" I felt a wave of relief rush though me

When dinner ended, I didn't know what to do, I knew I couldn't take her to meet my group, she would feel very overwhelmed, plus I wouldn't even know how to tell Tara. We gradually moved to the couch the two of us drinking some wine "Go show mommy your special box" The little girl ran down the hall leaving me with Lizzie, "I have something for you"

She stood up walking to a cabinet pulling out a small wooden box, "I didn't know if we would ever see you again so before we left I grabbed these for when she's old enough. I opened the box seeing wedding rings. I felt my eyes water "You saved these?" She nodded "I thought she would want it" I pulled the girl in for a hug "Thank you" She smiled "You want to wear it?"

I nodded taking the black rubber ring I wore instead off. I smiled down at my hand "Thank you" My daughter came running down the hall way holding a shoe box, "Whats this baby?" She handed it to me before climbing on the couch, I opened it smiling when I realized it was pictures from the house "I knew pictures were important so"

I sniffled going through them. I smiled brightly looking at myself on my wedding day with my wife standing next smiling brightly. That was one of the best days of my life, marrying my best friend

"Wanna know about her?" I pointed to the picture of my ex, my daughter nodded "Well for one she was very loving. She was my best friend, she was the type of person to do anything for the people she loved" The little girl listened intensely "She was funny" She looked passed me "Like uncle Aaron?" I raised an eyebrow "Uh ya like uncle Aaron" Lizzie gave me a look is apology while the young girl sucked her thumb

I continued to tell her stories of her brith mother and about her grandfather. Her breaths started to become one letting me know she was fast asleep, "Liz?" We looked over or shoulder seeing Aaron standing in the door "Oh hey Sam" I looked the guy up and down "What are you doing here?" He stepped aside showing me Rosita and Tara "Rosita said you left with Lizzie and didn't come back for dinner. They were worried"

I rubbed my daughters head "We'll I'm fine" I looked at Tara "I'm okay" She tilted her head "Who's the kid" I gulped looking at Lizzie who's stood taking her from my arms "I'll put her to bed" I nodded kissing my daughter on the head before turning my attention to the girls in front of me. "I have something to tell you both"

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now