Something in me

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The next few weeks were the same, we would run out of fuel stop eat then walk till we found new cars. We found a huge van that could fit all of us which was refreshing since we didn't have to take separate cars anymore. We stopped again for the night eating the rest of our food. The next morning we all got up. I grabbed my white converse from my bag taking my black ones off. "All white?" I nodded tying up the laces "Ya" Tara sat by me, "I like 'em they look good on you" I didn't say anything standing up

"Ready?" Maggie nodded "Do you have a shirt I can have?" I went through my bag handing her a white one, "Thanks" I nodded standing up, we walked together staying by each others side. "We need food" I nodded "Ya I know" The group stood in a circle "We go in groups of three, alright" I nodded fallowing Maggie and Daryl out leaving behind Tara. We split up trying to find anything, there was nothing, no animals, no pounds or streams for fish, no deer. We met back up walking down the road to rejoin our group "They didn't find anything" I sniffled "Ya I know" When we got back to the group they all were shaking their heads. We all filed into the van driving off

I spaced out thinking about everything. I felt calm in this very moment for the first time in months "Sam" I turned to Tara "Hmm" She sighed "Never mind" I didn't push looking at Carl playing with Judith. I made faces at the baby getting her to laugh "Wanna hold her?" I nodded reaching forward for the child. When I had her I bounced her on my leg "Judith, Judith where are you tonight. Auntie Sammy loves you with all her might, your her special princess star she loves so much shhh sushh" Judith smiled "She likes it"

I smiled pretending to eat her little hand "I know. It's our thing" I smiled "Ahh boo" The baby laughed clapping her hands. "Your a pretty girl aren't you Judy" She giggled grabbing my hair, I unlatched her hand bouncing my knee again. The car started to slow down "And we're out" I sighed great more walking. The group got out walking into the heat. We walked with a small hoard fallowing us. Sasha and I walked together "We can take 'em" I shook my head "No we cant. We have barley anything left there's no use in using it all now"

She groaned "Come on, you're always down to kill walkers" I stopped looking at her "Ya I am, but we'll deal with it when the time comes okay?" She nodded starting to walk towards the group again. We waked across a bridge "Daryl and Carol went out to find something lets wait here for them" I nodded dropping my bag "What about 'em" he grabbed his knife "We lead them towards the ditch then they ain't our problem" I nodded fallowing into formation with the rest of the people who came to help

It went smoothly till Sasha ended up killing one who her knife, we all started to kill them but she was out of control, I grabbed her arm and she almost stabbed me "Go back now" She shoved me off killing more, she killed one which ended up cutting Abe. I shoved her to the floor killing the last two "What the fuck, I had that" I scoffed "I told you to go back" She got up pushing me, I had enough of her shit pushing her back harder

"Hey, hey, hey" Glenn grabbed me but I pushed him off walking towards Sasha punching her, she tackled me to the floor punching me a few times. I rolled over getting on top going ape shit, I punched and I punched till she was bleeding, Rick and Daryl had to pull name off her "FUCK YOU, YOU CUNT" She rolled over spitting up blood "What the hell is wrong with you" I pushed myself away from Rick "Sam what the fuck" I ignored Tara who had ran over "I asked you a question" I turned to her "Fuck you Tara, your not my wife"

I walked away wiping the blood from my nose. I spit blood on the floor walking faster to get away from the group. "Hey, are you okay?" I looked at Rosita shaking my head, she pulled me into a hug kissing the side of my head. I lost it crying into her till footsteps approached us, we broke apart seeing the rest of the group "Come here" I ignored Rick walking ahead of everyone else. Daryl fell into place next to me "Your hand okay?" I looked down at it "Its fine" He nodded "Come for a food sweep with me" I nodded "We'll be back" We walked into the trees away from the group

"We don't have to talk about it" I nodded looking at the floor for any possible tracks. We stayed in silence trying to find something anything to feed our people. "Nothin's here" I nodded "Alright let's go back" The group was sitting in a semi circle "Anything" I shook my head "No" I sat by my sister looking at the floor. I could feel eyes on me but I didn't say anything, Abe pulled out a bottle of liquor making me stand up. I sat next to him extending my hand for the drink, he passed it to me

"Nice punch back there" I sipped the drink loving the burning feeling down my throat "Thanks. Hows the arm" He looked at it shrugging it off "Just dandy" I nodded sipping it again, a bunch of wild dogs came out of the woods barking at us. They next thing I knew they were dead on the floor thanks to Sasha, I chuckled softly "Theres lunch" Daryl and Rick stood skinning the animals. I started a fire while they handed us each a stick. We all sat around the fire cooking our food. It wasn't necessarily terrible but it wasn't good ether

We ate in silence chowing down as much as we could muster. When everyone was done we packed up all our things hitting the road again, it was unbelievable hot, I needed to cool down but we had very limited water. I fell into place besides Carol "When I lost Sophia I thought my world was over" I kept looking straight ahead "But I had you there to help me. We don't have to talk about it, but if you want I'm all ears"

I looked at her "I always knew she was out there. I knew Maggie didn't think so but I had that gut feeling. When Daryl said he was with her it felt amazing to know she got out. I tired to not think about it you know, that we may possibly never see her again. We got back to the church and Mich said she was alive and you all were with her I was beyond excited. Then when we got there, seeing her like that changed something in me"

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now