100% right

21 1 0

We walked some more feeling ourselves grow exhausted. I noticed Tara run out of water a little bit ago, I walked besides her handing her the rest of mine "No" I shook my head "Your gonna get dehydrated drink" She took it from my grasp thanking me. I walked next to her not starting a conversation, she drank some water handing it back to me

The group started to slow down, in the middle of the road was a bunch of water with a note 'From a friend' I looked at everyone "What do we do?" We all shrugged Eugene bent down going to open it, Abe walked over slapping it form his hand "Are you stupid? It could be laced with something" He gave him the death glare, a crackle of thunder ripped through the sky than water started to fall. We all looked up letting the rain hit our faces, Tara and Rosita laid on the floor while I stood there

I wanted to feel happy blessed even but I couldn't. Not when my whole world was crumbling before me. "Get anything you can" We went into our bags getting cups old cans anything to try and get the rain. The thunder grew louder scaring Judith, "Theres a barn just up ahead" We all fallowed Daryl to it. Once inside we cleared it only finding one walker. Everyone gathers around in a circle around the fire talking. I wanted to talk to Tara but she gave all her attention to Rosita, we ate the remainder of the dogs trying to prepare ourselves for another long day. Abe handed me another bottle of liquor, I drank it gradually till I started to feel buzzed

I got up after dinner grabbing my cigarettes lighting one in the fire. I walked to the barn doors blowing smoke out through it. I felt someone stand by me, I didn't even have to look to know who it was "You found a light?" I nodded inhaling the smoke, "Want a hit?" She nodded inhaling off it. She blew the smoke out looking me in my eyes "Thank you for the water earlier" I nodded "Anytime" She clenched her jaw shivering lightly "Here" I took my jacket off handing it to her "Thanks"

I looked outside "Why are you pushing me away?" I turned to her "Why do you care so much?" She tilted her head "Because I care for you Sam whether you like it or not okay" I didn't say anything "You can be a dick all you want but pushing people who care about you away will get you no where in life" I turned to her "Just leave me alone alright" She scoffed "All these people care and love you Sam, except it"

I put the cigarette out getting in her face "You really want to sort allot shit out right now?" She nodded "I blame myself for Beths death. If I didn't go with Maggie she could still be alive. But Maggie had to find Glenn, because he was more important than her own flesh and blood. Beth was my best friend, my baby sister and now she's dead. Shot in the head and for what?" My lips trembled "So pushing you away is the easiest thing I can do because I cant loose you ether"

I wiped my tears walking towards my bag. I laid down silently crying, I felt another body lay by mine, I looked up seeing Tara "You're not gonna push me away" I looked played with my rings "I'm sorry I was an asshole" She pushed my hair behind my ear "I know" I leaned forward pressing my lips to hers

Our tongues met making me wet. I moved on top of her, keeping the kiss. Her arms were around my neck pulling me closer into her. I put my knee between her crouch letting her grind on it. She moaned into my mouth making me smile. I pulled away "Shh, they cant hear us" She pulled me in for another kiss not caring for what I just said. The thunder grew louder and so did the banging on the doors, I pulled away looking behind me seeing Daryl, Maggie holding the door.

I got off Tara running over to them hearing a shit ton of walkers outside. Tara came running over then the rest of the group. I looked at Maggie silently preying this isn't how we die to a hoard. The sound of the thunder mixed with the rain and the door trying to be opened had us in for a long night. When things started to die down we were all exhausted. I awoke the next morning to everyone in the middle of the barn, Tara was snuggled up on my chest making me smile. I wrapped my arm around her pulling her closer to me, she mumbled something in her sleep which I couldn't make out

I heard Maggie get up waking Sasha, they left the barn just the two of them. Tara started to stir "Morning" I looked down at her "Mornin' how'd you sleep?" She rubbed her eye leaning more into me "Good, how about you?" I licked my lips "Good" we shared a soft kiss, "We need to get up" I yawned "I know" She unwrapped herself from me "Wheres Maggie?" I looked over at Glenn "Outside talking to Sasha" He nodded getting up

Everyone was fully awake now, each of us preparing for another long day. The barn doors opened "Guys this is Aaron" We all stood pointing our weapons at him "We already took his weapons and gear" He held his hands up, "Hi" Judith started to cry, "I'm Aaron" Rick ignored him "You said he had a weapon?" Maggie walked forward handing him a small pistol, he examined it "Is there something you need?" Sasha spoke up "He has a camp near by. He wants us to audition for membership" I titled my head "Audition what is this Americas got talent?"

He looked at me "Sammantha right?" I pointed my gun at him "How the fuck do you now my name?" He looked me dead in the eye "I've been tasked to scout for new people to join my community but its not up to me" I looked at Rick "I wouldn't come ether if I were you, unless I knew what I was getting myself into. Sasha my bag please" She handed it to Rick, "Front pocket there's an envelope. There's no way I can convince you to come with me, just by talking about our community thats why I brought those. I apologize in advance for the picture quality we just found a camera store just last-" I cut him off "Nobody gives a shit" He nodded "Your absolutely 100% right"

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