New beginnings

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Aaron looked at me "Thank you" I nodded letting him pass. Rick turned to our group "Everyone rest up for the night, we leave first thing in the morning" we all nodded starting to talk to one another. I walked over to Maggie "You did the right thing, I'm proud of you" I smiled "Thanks" I went over to my bag looking for something, "Whatcha looking for?" I frowned "Something" She leaned against the post "Something involve cigarettes?" I shook my head "No, I'm looking for my rings" Tara pushed her hair behind her ear "Oh, uh you were wearing them last night right?" I nodded "Ya"

I looked through the whole thing not being able to find them, "Fuck" She cupped my face "Hey we'll find them" I pulled my face away "No we wont, their probably at the barn" I walked away going outside. "Hey stranger" I ignored Carol "Whats wrong?" I felt her walk besides me "I lost my rings" She patted my back "These rings" She handed me a sack full of all my rings "Where did you?" She smiled "They were on the floor at the barn" I put them back on hugging her "Thank you" she looked at my hand "Why are these so important to you?"

I looked at them "Well this one, is from my momma. She gave it to me just before she passed, she nodded "This one is a matching one Beth and I got, "The butterfly I remember" I smiled "Uhh this ones from my ex" the doors opened but we ignored it "You still wear it?" I nodded "Ya, I still love her you know. She's the only person who really knows me" I closed my eyes thinking of her, the doors shut "Did she not make it?" I shrugged "No clue, when the world fell she was still in prison. I left Virginia going back to home to the farm" She nodded looking out "Well I'm sure wherever she is she's fine" I smiled "I hope so"

We walked back inside seeing some people sleeping. I walked over towards Taras sleeping form laying next to her. I wrapped my arm around her "Your cold" she moved out of my grasp making my heart hurt a little. I kissed her head turning my back to her falling asleep. We woke the next morning to sunlight in our eyes "Good morning everyone" Aaron was standing in the doorway "Would you all like to leave now?" Rick stood up "Give us a few minutes then we'll go" I rubbed my eyes "Morning darling" Tara didn't say anything rolling over

"Are you mad at me?" She turned to me "Sam please just stop okay" I nodded standing, Ro looked at me "Ready Rocky" I chuckled "I swear if you call me that ever again I'll hit you" She smiled "Lets go" We walked out with all our gear getting into the RV. "Carol hold the door open" She propped it open so we could Get Eric through, Aaron mumbled out a thank you walking into the back room. I sat next to Eugene by the table, Tara and Glenn sat across from us. The car started to go making me nervous

"Would anyone like a beer?" Aaron smiled holding up a box "Ya sure" he smiled handing me, Glenn and Eugene one. "Tara" She shook her head he looked at Carol who shook her head as well, "Daryl?" He walked over taking one "Dixon gonna get fucked up" He flipped me off "Drink your drink" I smiled looking at him "Watch him" I opened it with my teeth making everyone laugh "How the hell" I looked at Tara "Party trick" She nodded smiling

We drove for a few hours "You interested in some bull shit?" I chuckled as he held up cards "Ya I'm in" he nodded dealing them out to the four of us. We played a few rounds before I called bullshit on Glenn, he sighed "I'm that bad huh" I laughed "No, just a lucky guess" Carl walked over with my camera pointing it at us "Whatcha ya'll doing" I smiled looking at the flashing red light "Playing bullshit, you figured out how to work it?" He nodded "Yup" We all waved to the camera,

"Are you nervous to see this new place" he pointed it at Glenn "No, I'm excited to see what it has in stored for us" He pointed it at Tara "What he said" It went to me "I'm ready to finally find a place where we can breath" he pointed it to Eugene "No comment" I nudged him "Dude" he looked at the camera again "I'm very much excited to see what that place has for us" Carl smiled widely pointing the camera at himself "I'm excited too" He walked over to Rosita and Abe

"Thats the capital" Carl smiled widely "Thats awesome" he pointed his camera at it zooming in on a building "Whats that tall thingy" Rosita smiled "Thats the Washington monument" He nodded "I remember hearing about that in school" I looked at my cards "Lets play something else" We all nodded dealing out new cards. We ended up playing go fish till the RV stopped, "God dammit" We all looked at Abe "Whats wrong?" He ignored us walking off seeing what the issue was

While Glenn and Abe fixed the RV I grabbed my cigarets, "Eugene can you make me a light?" He nodded grabbing a gum wrapper and a random battery pushing them together making a small fire, I leaned in lighting the cigaret. "Thanks" He nodded throwing the paper on the floor stomping on it, I walked behind the RV sitting on the bottom of the ladder smoking. "Can you light mine" Daryl walked over holding out his, I nodded bring the cigarets together waiting for it to light, when it did I handed it to him

"Thanks" I nodded, inhaling, we sat in silence just enjoying our smoke, Tara walked over "They fixed it" I nodded putting it out, standing "Hey can we talk?" She nodded looking at me "Whats up" I leaned against the side of the RV "You've been avoiding me" She looked down "Sorry, I'm just nervous" I nodded "I get it hunny I do but, talk to me please, I wanna help" She nodded "Okay" She went to walk away but I grabbed her arm "Hey what's wrong" She pulled it away "Sam I'm fine okay, lets just go" I frowned "Ya" I fallowed her up the steps to our seats, "Darlin' do you want something to drink"

She ignored me "Tara" she looked over "What?" I shook my head "Never mind" I got up setting next to Carol and Maggie, "Trouble in paradise?" I shrugged "She's pissed at something but she won't tell me" Carol thought for a moment "Is it possible she heard what we talked about last night" I looked st Tara "Oh my god ya"

We drove to the place stoping behind Ricks car. We all got out smiling, I went to grab Taras hand but she pulled it away "Babe?" she looked at me briefly "I don't wanna hold your hand right now" I nodded looking straight ahead, Aaron and Eric walked first when the gates started to open, we pointed our guns to the floor where Daryl shot a possum, the guy next to Aaron looked at us like we were crazy "We brought dinner" Aaron patted the guys shoulder "Its okay, come in guys" we all walked in looking around "Before we take this any further I need you guys to turn over your weapons"

Rick walked forward "To stay you must hand them over" Rick looked at his gun "We don't know if we want to stay" Aaron turned to the guy "Its fine Nicholas" Rick looked at the guy "If we were gonna use them we would have already" Aaron looked at the guy "At least let them talk to Deanna" we all looked at him "Who's Deanna?" Aaron smiled "She knows everything you'd want to know about this place. Rick why don't you start"

A walker growled making us turn to it "Sasha" She raised her gun shooting it, once it was killed we turned back looking at Aaron "It's a good thing we're here" we started to walk more into the community, Aaron let us into a really nice house "You all wait down here, Rick fallow me" He nodded handing me Judith

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now