Away form here

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I smirked looking at my sister "Whats the plan" he looked at me "We give 'em hell" I smirked "No shit. I mean how the fuck are we getting out of here" he undid his belt "We are gonna fight using what we have on us. The metal on your belts we sharpen, shoelaces we cut, we work together to get the fuck out of here" we all broke out into doing what we needed to do. Some sharpened their belts while others tried making weapons

"Hey did any of you see Beth when the prison fell?" Daryl nodded "Ya we were together but she was taken" My heart sank "A car with a white cross. I tried to fallow it but I couldn't" Maggie stoped what she was doing "But she's alive?" He nodded "Yes she's alive" I felt some sense of relief but I knew I wouldn't feel it till she was back home, safe with us. We worked as hard and as fast as we could with what little time we had "All right we have four of 'em pricks coming to us"

Rick stood up walking to the side "You all know what to do. Go for their eyes first then their throats" we all gathered around the side of the door. I looked at Tara giving her a reassuring smile "You okay?" She nodded, the top of the freight opened and in dropped a gas bomb "MOVE" it exploded making me lose all sense of sight, then I started to cough falling to the floor

When I came to it Rick, Glenn, Daryl and Bob were gone. Maggie helped me up "Are you okay?" I nodded cupping her cheek looking all over her "I'm good are you hurt at all" She shook her head "I'm okay" I nodded looking at Carl "You okay bud?" he nodded "I'm fine" I patted his head "What the hell is going on" Abraham was once again banging on the doors "Someone hit them. Maybe our people got free" Eugene pushed past us "Excuse me" He crouched in front of the door "what the fuck are you doing" He looked up at Rosita "I might be able to use a shoulder compromise door. From the sound of things or may not be anybody left to open it"

Tara sighed "Eugene I'm sorry but shut up" Carl walked past me "Hey. My dads gonna be back, they all are" I nodded "They are. And we need to get ready to find a way out with them when they do" Everyone went back to working on their weapons and things we worked on before our people got taken "What even is the cure Eugene?" He looked over at Sasha "Its classified" I looked at Carl rolling my eyes mimicking him earring a laugh from the boy. "If we get out before your dad comes and finds us, stay with me or Michonne got it" he nodded "I know"

I held up my makeshift knife "Look at this. See Grimes your jealous, you wish you could make something this cool" He snickered "You think thats cool look at this" He held up a sword "Damn look at you boy, wanna trade?" He shook his head "No way in hell" I laughed nudging him softly, the doors opened "COME ON. WE FIGHT TO THE FENCE"

We ran out of that freight so fast, killing walkers while we went. "Sam get him" I nodded grabbing Carls arm pulling him towards the fence, Rosita went first "Up and over let's go" He went over "Sam come on" I shook my head helping everyone get over "Sam go" I nodded going before Daryl. We wall ran onto the woods stopping when we felt the coast was clear. Daryl and Rick kneeled grabbing shovel digging up dirt "The hell we stopping for" Rick continued to dig "Guns, some supplies. Go along the fences use the rifles take out the rest of 'em"

Bob stepped forward "What?" He stopped digging "They don't get to live" Glenn stood next to them "Rick we got out. Its over" Rick grabbed his gun "Its not over till they're all dead" Rosita scoffed "The hell it isn't. That place is on fire, full of walkers" Abraham spoke "I'm not picking around with this crap. We just made it out" I agreed with them "The fences are down. They'll run or they'll die" He looked down, footsteps approached us making Daryl run.

He embraced Carol picking her off the ground. I smiled we're finding more of our family. Rick hugged her as well "You have to come with me" I walked forward pulling her in for a long tight hug. "I missed you" She giggled softly "I missed you too Sammy" I buried my head in her neck "We lost daddy" she hugged me tighter "Oh hunny I'm sorry" I wanted to cry but I knew now wasn't the appropriate time

We walked down a path towards a building where a man was holding a baby. Rick, Carl, and Sasha took off in a full sprint making my heart swell. I looked at Tara "That baby is Judith" She smiled warmly watching the family reunite after days of not knowing if their alive or not. When all the emotions subsided Rick handed me her "She misses her auntie" I smiled gracefully taking her "Hey pretty girl" the baby cooed at me "I missed you sweetheart" I kissed her head walking away from Tara to talk to my sister.

"Hey hunny" She tickled Judith foot making the child giggle "Your a little warrior aren't you" she cooed again. I handed her to Glenn "You look good with a baby bro" His face turned a deep shade of red "He does doesn't he" I smiled kissing Judith's head before walking to talk to Rick "We need to move" I nodded "I know but where?" He looked at the smoke "Far away from here"

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now