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"Holy shit look at that. Those ripples" I stood "Fish" Rosita stood as well "You stay here clear the water, Glenn and I'll go kill those walkers getting their clothes for net" She nodded while we ran up the hill towards them. Once they were all killed we started to loot them, "Holy shit look at this?" I held up a muddy backpack, he smiled "Lets look through it" he went to grab it but I pulled dit back "No, we wait till we're back with Rosita" He nodded grabbing the clothes form the dead walkers, when we made it back she was still filtering it "We found this" She smiled "Cool" I tossed it next to her "Wanna help me catch 'em" She nodded standing up, we walked over looking at the water placing it in

"You miss this?" I shrugged "Ya, I miss my brother" She looked me in the eyes "He dead?" I nodded "Ya at the start he got but" She mumbled out a 'sorry' "It's all good. Hey shh, fish" She looked down seeing one swim over the net "Now" We pulled up catching it, "Oh my god" She hugged me "We did it" I smiled "That we did" I handed her the beg "You know how to clean this?" She nodded "Good, because we're gonna need that wherever we end up you in?" She smiled "Ya, ya I'm in" We walked back to Glenn smiling "You ladies got one?" We nodded "Good, lets go"

The walk back we each told stories form when we were kids and our life before. "Wait you made videos, thats why you used to film us all the time" I laughed "Ya" He smiled "Do you still have the camera?" I shook my head no "I gave it to Carl. Lori and Shane were on it" He looked down "Well I'm glad he has something to remember her voice by" I smiled "I am too" When we get back to the group the truck was up and running "Hey, how was it?" I smiled "Good, we caught a fish" Maggie rolled her eyes "Did you really?"

I nodded "Ya, made me think of Shawn and Beth when we were kids" She smiled "God ya'll went there every Saturday" I smiled at the memories, I went through the bag "Darlin' I got you something" She walked over "What?" I opened the bag grabbing the yo-yo "NO WAY" She hugged me tightly "Babe I love it" I smiled kissing her softly "I'm glad" Abe walked over "Sam" I looked at the taller person "Abraham" He cleared his throat "I'm sorry" I nodded "I'm sorry for hittin' you" He reached his hand out for me to shake "Lets get back to the church" I smiled "Really?" he nodded "Really" We all piled up into the truck Glenn helping Abraham get Eugene in. Once we all got situated we started to drive home to our group.

The closer we got the more nervous I became what if they weren't there. What if we lost 'em for good. "Hold on" Abe floored the truck slamming into the front of the church blocking walkers. We all got out seeing Michonne, Carl, Judith and Gabriel. "SAM" The boy ran to me embracing me. I hugged him tightly "Hey bud" he hugged me again "Sam come here" I walk with the boy to Michonne and Maggie "Beths alive, she's at a hospital in Atlanta, the others went to get her back" I smiled "Seriously? We have to go" Maggie started to cry, I turned to my sister hugging her tightly. I couldn't help but cry too "Lets go get our baby sister back"

The whole drive Maggie and I talked each others ear off about how excited we were to see our sister. "Tara you'll love her. She sings randomly and its so funny" We pulled up stopping the engine, Maggie and I were the first ones out excited to see her. A few walkers came out but the group handled them, the doors to the hospital opened reveling Rick. When he saw us he shook his head, my smile fell from my face, Maggie and I started to walk slowly, then Daryl walked out holding our sisters lifeless body

I fell to my knees sobbing, Maggie and I held onto each other, I could barely breath. Maggie screamed out sobbing harder than she did when daddy died. I held onto her feeling hands on my back. Tara and Glenn where behind us trying to comfort while Daryl walked past crying. I looked at her body standing up, "Aww Bethy" I sniffled patting her hair "Your so loved" I kissed her head sniffling, I turned to Tara sobbing into her neck. She held me as I cried, harder now with her arms around me. Maggie reached out for me so I broke my hug dropping back down to her

"Guys we need to go" I sniffled standing but Maggie couldn't. I helped Glenn get her up puling her into a full body hug. We cried together slowly walking to the truck. Everyone else found there own car while we sat there crying into each other. We drove for I don't know how long till we found a clearing to bury her. Gabriel said a prey for her but I didn't even listen to him, all I could think about was what if I stayed with her at the prison. What if she didn't leave the bus, what of she never got taken. "We have to go" Rosita helped me stand walking me over to our campsite for the night. I didn't even care, Maggie and I were to engulfed in grief. "Span of a week Mags" She cried even harder latching onto my neck

Thats how the next few days went, me barely eating anything as we went to this new place in Virginia that Beth and Noah talked about. Glenn went with Rick and his people while Maggie and I went with Carol and Daryl "You okay?" I ignored Carol "Sam" I shook my head "No" Daryl sniffled "I'm sorry" I shrugged it off "Not your fault" we didn't really say anything to each other, Tara and I sat in the very back, I laid on her trying to sleep, she started to play with my hair "Try and sleep. I'll wake you when we stop" I nodded positing myself to get comfy

I fell asleep with her hand in my hair scratching the back of my head every so softly. I awoke to the car stopping "Whats wrong" I sat up seeing our group pulling someone out of the van. We all got out quickly "Who is it?" My heart broke "Tyresse" I walked over to Sasha hugging her "Sash I'm sorry" She hugged me tightly sniffling, "Why does everything bad have to happen to me" I wiped her tears "Because our world is fucked, and we loose good people" She cried into me not wanting to look at her dead brother. We buried him then camped for the night. Sasha stayed by Maggie and I joining our grief circle. We each told stories about our siblings trying to feel better. We fell asleep by the fire crying to each other

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