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I went back to the doctors office as soon as I was done showering, "How is she?" Rosita looked up "The same" I nodded touching Taras head. "You didn't eat did you?" I shook my head "I cant eat anything right now" She got up "I'm gonna bring you something. Please eat" I nodded taking my girlfriends hand in mine. True to her word Rosita came back a few minutes later with a sandwich and some fruit "Thank you" She nodded "I'm gonna go outside the wall. Wanna come?"

I shook my head "No" She nodded "Okay" my lips started to tremble "Be safe, I cant loose you too" she walked back over to me, pulling me in for a tight hug, I started to cry into her waist, she just stood there rubbing my hair "Its okay Sammy" I slowly stopped "I'm sorry" She picked my head up "Don't be" I nodded, looking at the floor. She gently kissed my head "If you need anything I'm a call away" I nodded taking a deep breath. A few hours later the nurse lady came back

"You're still here?" I nodded "Do you need anything?" I shrugged "A guitar would be nice, you know something to pass the time" She smiled "I'll see what I can do" I quietly thanked her looking at my girlfriend "Come on baby please wake up" a bunch of people started to surround a small circle outside, I got up walking to the window seeing Rick on top of some guy "Shit" I ran out of the office running over to them. Carl walked up with some girl, I ran over turning him around "Carl don't look" he tried too but I kept turning him around

"Stop it right now, stop it" He ignored Deanna "DAMN IT RICK I SAID STOP" He got off the guy pulling a gun "Or what" He pointed it at Deanna "You gonna kick me out?" She put her hands up "Put the gun down Rick" He shook his head panting "You still don't get it. NONE OF YOU DO. We know what needs to be done and we do it, we're the ones who live" he pointed the gun at Reg and Deanna

"You, you just sit and plan and hesitate. You pretend like you know when you don't. You wish things weren't like the way they are. Well you want to live? You want this place to stay standing? Your way of doing things is done. Things don't get better because you-you want them too. Starting right now we need to start living in the real world. We have to control who lives here" Deanna spoke up "Thats never been more clear to me then it is right now"

Rick turned to her laughing "Me? Me? You-you mean me. The way you run things here is gonna get people killed, it's already gotten people killed, and I'm not gonna just stand by and watch it happen. If you don't fight you die, I'm not gonna stand by and-" Michonne walked up knocking him out "Take him away" Nicholas and Deannas other son picked him up dragging him away,

"Where are you taking him" I grabbed Carl "He's fine. Nothing bad will happen trust me" He shook his head "You don't know that" I shook my head "I do, because we all would die before something happen to your dad" He clenched his jaw pulling out of my grasp "Just leave me alone" he walked over to the girl walking away with her, I looked at Rosita unsure what to do "We will have a meeting tonight, I expect you all to be there" I nodded walking back into the infirmary

Rosita, and Eugene walked in a little after me "Hey" I smiled "Hi" Eugene looked down "How is she?" I held her hand "She's stable" He nodded sitting by me quickly "She saved my life" I patted his back "I'm glad" He sniffled "I'm very sorry this happened. I like her a lot and-" I stood up "I know. It's not your fault" He nodded "I know" I walked to the counter hugging Ro, "What the fuck happened out there?"

She shrugged "Apparently he hits his wife and Rick tried to put an end to it" I sighed "Damn" we talked quietly amongst ourselves till Abe opened the door with Harper "I'll come back later" I shook my head "He's out, come in and sit" He looked unsure "Sit" He listened to Rosita sitting, I bent down holding my daughter

"Harper wanna see something funny?" My daughter nodded, Ro hit a cup over making Abe flinch "Sorry" She bent down picking it up trying not to laugh, my daughter giggled loudly while I shook my head "Your terrible" She smiled "No, they just need to talk" we looked at them having a heart to heart "She's gonna wake up"

I nodded "I know, she's strong but I just..." Ro pulled me in for a hug "Everything's okay. Are you gonna come to the trial?" I shrugged "Maybe" the four of us started to talk, hanging out for a few hours discussing what we thinks gonna happen at the trial. When it started to get dark they left "They're gonna need you to say something you know" I nodded "I'll be out in a few" Abe kissed my daughters head walking out shutting the door

Harper fell asleep a few minutes ago, I stood gently putting her in bed with Tara. She immediately cuddled into my girlfriend making me smile, I lit some candles in the room, "I'll be back baby" I kissed both their heads walking out, towards the group of people "Sammantha" I wrapped my self in my jacket

"My dad respected Rick Grimes. Ricks a dad too, to two beautiful children, who need to be here. Ricks a good man with an extraordinary heart, he protects his family and people he cares for deeply. I would have done the same thing if I found out a friend of mine was being abused by their spouse. Rick isn't bad, he's good he saved my life countless of time and me him...He's like a brother to me, he's my family. These people here, we may not have been together when the world fell but he started this family and there nothing you can do nothing to split us up. Alexandria is your family, you even told Rick you'd want to be apart of his. He's far from perfect but he will do anything to protect his family"

She nodded "Before we hear from anyone else I would uh, I would like to share something in the spirit of transparency. Father Gabriel came to see me the day before yesterday, and he said our new arrivals couldn't be trusted, that they were dangerous, that they would put themselves before this community. And not one day later Rick seem to demonstrate all the things father Gabriel said. I had hoped father Gabriel would be here tonight"

I crossed my arms "I don't see him here Deanna. So you're just saying what somebody said. Did you take him?" Maggie looked at me "He's not here" Deanna barked back "Neither is Rick" I shook my head "Excuse me"

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now