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Harper rolled into my body resting her head against my chest "Your a good mom" I smiled looking into the eyes of my lover "No I'm not. I wasn't there when the world fell, I haven't seen her in over a year" She shrugged "You were making a sacrifice so she could have a better life. Its not your fault you weren't there"

I looked down at the sleeping child "I don't know what I would have done if she was dead" Tara smiled "She's not though. Lizzie saved her life, we have her now. We can keep her safe" I sniffled "She's my whole world. When my ex went to prison I was left alone with her, at 23. My whole world changed the moment she was born. She's my everything, I want to give her the world" She held my hand "We'll give her the world. We'll fight her demons together, you will never have to be alone. She'll never be alone again"

Tears fell form my eyes "I may not be her mother but I will be there for it all. When she's sad, angry, happy, I'll be there for her. And for you, no matter what" I smiled "I love you Tara" She leaned over my child kissing me softly "No one compares to you" I felt my heart jump, something it hasn't done in years

A knock at our door tore our attention away form each other "Come in" Ro walked in smiling at us "Come out and have a drink with us" I sighed whispering "Shut the fuck up. My daughters asleep" She rolled her eyes, lowing her voice "Go out and hang with us" I signed looking at my girlfriend "Just for a little while" I got out of bed quietly so I didn't wake the sleeping child "Only one drink" She smirked walking out of out room.

I walked over taking Rositas drink from her "Hey" I flipped her off drinking it. "How was the party?" Abe shrugged "Okay, boring" I laughed "Ya'll stayed longer than me, so kudos to you" he sipped his drink "How many of those have you had?" he shrugged "I'm a big man" I rolled my eyes turning to Ro "I lost count once I lost sight of him" We shared a quick laugh "I'm surprised you didn't drink" I sipped my drink "I'm drinking right now" she crossed her arms "You know what I meant" I raised an eyebrow "Do I?"

Hands wrapped around my stomach pulling me into them "What we talking 'bout" Ro looked up "How your girlfriend didn't drink tonight" She kissed my cheek "She drank, she had 2 beers there" I smirked patting Ro's shoulder "She's just a better girlfriend" Abe laughed "Whats so funny" He shut up "Thats what I thought" I finished her drink

"So why are you guys here?" Ro smiled "Because your sister invited us over" I looked at Maggie "I never told her to go get ya'll" I sighed "Well as much as I love you all, I'm tired" Everyone booed, "You'll see me in the morning" I hugged and kissed everyone goodnight leaving Tara out there to socialize

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I frowned walking down the hallway seeing Tara in the kitchen talking to some girl, "I fucking hate Sam. She's so annoying" The woman laughed "She's not worth your time baby" Tara leaned down kissing the girl passionately, I went to move but I was frozen in place, they started to take each others clothes off "No please stop"

Tears were streaming down my face "Thats right baby use your tongue make me cum" I started to yell but its like no-one could hear me. "She doesn't love you Sammantha" I turned seeing Beth "How could she love you. You're a monster. You're the reason I'm dead" I shook my head crying "No, thats not true" She frowned "I'm DEAD BECAUSE YOU PICKED MAGGIE OVER ME"

I fell to the floor "I wish you died instead of her. Our life would be so much better without you" I turned seeing Maggie, "You should be dead. Not her" I shook my head "I'm sorry, please" My body started to shake "Sam, Sam, Sam" I jolted up seeing Tara looking at me concerned "You were having a nightmare" I wiped my tears getting out of bed, "Where you going?" I ignored her grabbing a jacket and my shoes

I ended up at the clock tower looking out into the night. The cool breeze helped calm my nerves, the hatch to the floor opened and in popped my girlfriend "Are you okay?" I nodded ignoring her. A warm hand touch the small of my back "Whats wrong" I turned to her "You'll never leave me will you?" She shook her head "Of course not. Why would I?" I shrugged trying to hide my tears "Oh baby, come here" She pulled me in for a hug, I melted into it bursting out in tears. "Shhh, its okay I got you"

We stayed like that for I don't know how long. Once I was calmed down she kissed my head "Lets go home and cuddle okay?" I nodded not wanting to break the hug just yet

We ended up leaving the tower 30 minutes later. We quietly walked into the house "I'm sorry" She tuned to me "Don't ever be sorry. I'm here for you, for the good, the bad, the ugly" I laughed "You really had to mention it didn't you" She giggled "It went perfectly" I smiled "But I'm serious I want all of you. I love you" I leaned in for a kiss "I love you too" She smiled taking me into out room, we got in bed trying not to wake Harper

I couldn't go back to sleep so Tara stayed up talking to me for god know how long "I have to get ready for work" She shook her head "I actually forgot to tell you, your not feeling well. I'm really sorry" I laughed "Oh really?" She nodded "Ya, and the only way to cure that is for us to lay in bed all day and have mind blowing sex" I smirked kissing her before getting out "Sounds wonderful but I really have to go. Its my second day"

She groaned "What if I made you late" I shook my head "I would love that. But I really need to go" She sighed getting up "Your evil" I took my shirt changing into a button down "No, not really" She shrugged "I disagree" I finished getting dressed looking at myself in the mirror "You look hot" I smirked "I always do"

I looked at my daughter "I'll wake her" I smiled kissing Tara quickly before walking down the hallway grabbing an apple from the bowl "Maggie you ready?" She walked down the hallway with her shoes in hand, "Yes give me a moment" I rolled my eyes taking bite of the fruit. "Have fun at work" I smiled kissing Tara then Harper "I will, love you" I looked at my daughter "And I love you" She reached put for me, I held her close to my chest walking towards the door with her "Be safe"

Maggie waved goodbye pulling me down the steps. "So you say I love you now?" I nodded "Ya we do" She nudged me with her shoulder "I'm glad" I kissed Harpers head "Be good for Lizzie okay?" She hugged me tighter "Love you mommy" I knocked on the door "Love you most babygirl" The door opened a few seconds later "Hey hunny" My daughter picked her head up "Lizzie" I handed her over "I'll come get her after work" She nodded waving us goodbye

Maggie and I walked towards Deannes house walking up the steps, "Ladies good your here. We're out of power" I nodded "I know, found out this morning" She let us in "We're gonna send a group out, one of your people, Eugene told us what we need to fix it" Maggie smiled "He's brilliant so" we made our way up the steps "Drop your things, we're gonna meet them downstairs" I nodded setting my bag on a chair

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now