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When we all started to get tired, we shut the lights to the house. I laid next to Tara wrapping us up in a blanket, she snuggled her head into my chest "Night baby" I traced patterns across her back "Night love" I closed my eyes feeling content. I actually had a solid night sleep, with out the fear of walkers and the elements

Sun shined through the window right into the living room, I groaned putting hand over my face "Abe shut the blinds" he still snored loudly I kicked Rositas boot, she kicked me back "Go back to sleep" I tried but the sun was over powering, Tara started to stir "Shut the blinds" I groaned "I'm comfy" She kissed my neck "Please" I nodded moving myself from her closing them

"Ya'll fucking suck" I kicked Abes shoe waking him "Huh, what" I shook my head "You didn't shut the blinds" he rubbed his eyes "Sorry" Judith started to cry waking the others, I walked over picking her up "Mornin' sleeping beauty" I bounced her but she would stop crying, Michonne walked over taking her from me. I looked down at Tara "You look comfy" She smiled rubbing her eyes "I was till you moved"

I smiled walking into the kitchen, I looked through the cabinets to see if they stocked it with food. There was some food in there but not enough to feed the lot of us, I opened the fridge seeing a full carton of eggs, "Bingo" I grabbed them putting it on the table looking for a bowl "Need help?" I smiled at Carol "Ya can you find some salt n pepper I'm gonna make eggs" She nodded looking through the cabinets

We cooked breakfast together, chit chatting about our new camp. "Whats your job anyways?" she smirked "I cook" I laughed "Seriously?" She nodded "Yes, there's no way in hell that woman needs to know the truth about me" I nodded "True that" we found some butter in the fridge putting it into the pan heating it up on the stove. "Want me to make toast?" I nodded "Ya sure, I'll start on the eggs"

We worked in our own little grove making food for the group. "Smells good" I looked up at Abe "Thanks, wanna tell everyone it's almost done?" He nodded yelling for the rest of the group. They all waked in a few minutes later as we handed them food, "Rick here's some applause for Judy" He thanked me sitting her on his lap while he ate.

"Thanks baby" Tara kissed my cheek moving behind me to get some silverware. We all ate talking about what we wanted to do today, "She told us to explore, so we do that I guess for those who have jobs go do that" When everyone was finished we all went our separate ways.

Rick looked at me from the doorway "Sam you coming?" I shook my head "I'm gonna clean up here then I'll look around" he nodded walking out shutting the door behind him. Once everything was clean and the dishes were dry I walked out front

"You're still here?" Daryl nodded "Ya" I walked down the steps "Take a shower" He grunted "Dude you smell like shit" He flipped me off "Aww I love you too" I walked back to my house seeing it empty. I shut the door walking into the living room turning on the tv, to my surprise it worked, I walked towards the bookshelf to see if they had any movies

"Whatcha looking for?" I turned to Tara holding up a movie "They have movies" She smiled walking over to me "Really?" I nodded "Look they have Harry Potter" She smiled "Are you gonna watch it?" I nodded "We are gonna watch it"

We both sat on the couch cuddling while the movie began to play. "Are we home alone?" She nodded, I smiled leaning in for a kiss. I imminently depend it laying her down on the couch. Our tongues battled for dominance, my hand went to her chest grabbing her tits, she moaned softly "Sam" I smiled doing it again, my knee was between her center and she was grinding down on it,

I sat up taking my shirt off reveling my bra, she bit her lip sitting up kissing the top of my breast. I closed my eyes loving the sensation "Fuck baby" She pulled away after leaving a hickey, I re connected our lips, my hand lightly wrapping around her throat, I leaned us back down moving form her lips to her neck. "Shit, st-stop" I imminently stopped

"Whats wrong" She tapped my legs so I got off her "Nothings wrong, I have work right now" I sighed running my hand threw my hair "Oh okay" She gave me apologetic eyes "We'll finish when I get home okay?" I nodded throwing my shirt back on "Ya"

She kissed me grabbing my flannel walking out the house. I sighed rubbing my hands over my face. I restarted the movie sitting back down to watch it. Watching movies again made me smile, it made me feel somewhat normal. I heard a bunch of people shouting outside so I paused it running to the porch seeing Glenn, Noah, Tara and two there guys. "Shit"

I jumped over the fence running over to them, one guy swung at Glenn he got knocked to his ass then another guy went to hit him but Daryl tackled him to the floor

Rick dropped his things running past the gate over to us, "Dixon let 'em go, he's not worth it" he tightened his grip, Rick grabbed Daryls shoulder making him release, the guy who Glenn knocked down got up walking towards him but I intervened "You wanna end up on your ass again?" he looked down at me "Cool it alright" He backed away standing behind Deanna,

I looked at Tara "You okay?" she nodded "I'm good" Once Daryl was away form Nicholas Deanna spoke up "I want everyone to hear me. Rick and his people are apart of our community, in all ways as equals. Understood" She looked at people who surrounded us, they mumbled out small agreements "All you you come turn in your weapons the you two talk to me"

The two guys that fought our people walked away. She looked at Rick "I told you I had a job for you, I'd like for you to be our constable. Thats what you were thats what you are" He nodded, she turned to Michonne "You too" Mich nodded "Sammantha I have a job for you as well, come with me" I looked at Maggie who smiled, "I'll meet you at home" I kissed Tara quickly fallowing Deanna towards her home

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