This win

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The group started to pack up out things getting them ready while Rick talked out logistics with Aaron. "Told you he would be an okay dude" I smiled "That you did" We had a few hours to kill before we left so I tried to get some sleep. Carl put Judith next to me so she could take her nap and we both fell asleep. Judith started to cry jolting me awake, "Shhh, its okay sweetie" Rick walked over picking her up "She's hungry" I rubbed my eyes sitting up "How long have I been out?" He bounced his daughter "Little over an hour" I nodded "Do you really trust this guy? He shook his head "No, but it cant hurt to try" I sat up rubbing my eyes, I saw Sasha sitting in the corner cleaning a gun

"Hey" she looked up "I'm sorry fo the other day" She nodded "Me too" I sat by her "You can pack a hell of a punch though" She smiled "So can you" I looked at my hands "I know its hard loosing two people you love in the span of a few days" She looked at me "I know. But I also know how I grieve and thats through anger" I patted her leg "Me too sister" She laughed "If things go South out there or at that community if there even is one, I want you to know I have your back" She smiled "And I have yours" I nodded standing up, I put my fist out for her to bump making her smirk "I'm gonna tell your girl your copying her" I laughed "We'll say she's copying me" We shred a laugh as we fist bumped before I walked away.

The next few hours flew by, everyone was on edge, Tara and I walked into the RV moving things into cabinets so we can fit comfortably. "Abe your driving?" He nodded "Yes ma'am" I walked into the bedroom making sure it there was space to put some of the food. When I walked out Maggie was sitting at the table "I like him" I smirked "I'm sure you do" She turned to Tara "Don't worry she's always grumpy" I furred my brows "I am not" They both laughed "You guys suck" I walked out of the RV meeting up with Rick outside

"Michonne, Glenn and I will take Aaron, watch over Carl and Judith for me" I nodded hugging him "Will do" He patted my shoulder walking to talk with Carl. I looked at Aaron "Your out here with your partner huh?" He nodded "How'd you know" I looked at the RV "A fellow gay knows" he smiled "Ya, Eric he's my husband" I smiled "Oh nice how long?" He went to say something but Rick called me over "Sam come on your leaving" I looked at Aaron "To be continued" I walked into the RV sitting by Tara, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder

"Your hands are freezing" I put it on her back making her move away "Your mean" Maggie and I laughed "Come on you love it" I pulled my hand out so she could lean back "Sure" we stayed like that, her body resting into mine while my arm was dropped across her shoulders. The drive was nice we all joked about random things, talking about what we would do if this place really existed. Abe mumbled 'shit' I turned around "What wrong?" He shook his hand "A shit ton of walkers I lost sight of 'em" Maggie started to get anxious, I reached across the table taking her hand in mine "Their fine okay" She nodded chewing on her bottom lip

We drove down a clear area, Abe drove a little faster "Did y'all see the flat, it could be them" I started to hand out guns to everyone "This may be an ambush guys so be prepared" Everyone nodded "Carl, you stay here until I tell you its safe okay" He nodded holding onto his sister. The RV stopped "Everyone get out" Sasha was the first one out fallowed by Rosita, then me, Maggie, Tara, Abe and Eugene, we saw a man laying in the floor holding his foot "Hi" We all pointed our guns at him "Wheres the others?" He groaned in pain "I don't know what you're talking about" I lowered my gun "Your Eric?" he nodded "How did you, Aaron where is he?" I knelt by his side

"With the others, we saw your flat and thought it was them" he groaned again "Oh well" Maggie knelt by us "Your ankle" He groaned "Ya I know, its a silly mistake I stepped on it wrong" I looked at it "Its defiantly broken" He nodded "Abe, Ro, Tara clear that building, anyone else out here could have seen that car" They nodded doing so. I touched his forehead "Your not running a fever so thats good" He closed his eyes "Ok uh Mags I need a cloth we gotta wrap his ankle" She nodded going to the RV.

I looked at it pushing my hair behind my ears "Is Aaron okay?" I nodded "Ya, he's with our leader" He nodded, Maggie came back a few minutes later with Carl and Judith "Wrap it, I'm gonna check on that building, I walked in "Guys?" Abe walked over "All good, only 3 dead ones" I nodded "Good, can you help bring him in here?" He nodded going outside. I looked at Tara who was watching me like a hawk "What?" She smiled "Your hot when you take control" I smirked "What can I say, I'm always hot" She rolled her eyes walking with me outside. "The buildings clear lets all move in for right now" Everyone got their things following me inside

Rick, Michonne, Glenn and Aaron arrived just as we settled in for the night "Eric, where's Eric?" I pointed in the back room, he took off back there. "Everything okay?" Daryl nodded "Everything's good" Rick fallowed Aaron into he back room while the rest of us started to unarm ourselves, Aaron came back a few minutes later "Everyone, Everyone" We all looked at him "Thank you. You saved Eric, I owe you, I owe all of you, I'll make sure that that is paid in full, when we get to our community, when we get to Alexandria" We all looked at each other smiling "Now I'm not sure about you, but I'd rather not do any more driving tonight, umm maybe we can all hit the road tomorrow morning?"

The poor man looked scared "That sounds fine" He turned to look at Rick "But if we're staying here tonight you're staying over there" Maggie stepped forward "You really think we gotta do that?" Rick shrugged "Its the safest play, we don't know you" he looked back at our leader "The way right now you're gonna stop me from being with him is shooting me" He walked towards Rick but I intervened "Rick, he told us where his camp is. And he really was just traveling with one other person. They're both unarmed the other has a broken ankle. I want us to be safe too" He just stared at me "I cant give up everything else, we lost too many people, let us have this win" He looked at me then the whole group "Alright"

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now