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We walked into the party a little late. "Sam you made it" Lizzie walked over smiling, I leaned down for a hug "Lizzie hey, you look beautiful" She smiled twirling "You don't look so bad yourself" I smiled "Thank you. So how dose it feel to be off shift?" She laughed "Weird. Where is Harper anyway?" I fiddled with my ring "Glenn and Maggie have her" She nodded "Their really cute" I laughed "I know. Maggie and him are way to in love, its disgusting"

She giggled "Thats how you used to be" I looked down, my mood changing "Ya, well" Deanna walked over with an older gentleman "Samantha you made it" I turned to them putting on my fakest smile "I did yes. This is a lovely party Mrs.Monroe" she smiled "Thank you. This is my husband Reg" I extended my hand "Pleasure to meet you Mr.Monroe" he smiled "Like wise. I see you already met Miss. Walters" I nodded "I have indeed" Lizzie touched my arm "Sams just great"

The couple smiled "Is my wife treating you well Samantha?" I laughed "Yes. Shes been very lovely and warm towards me and my family" he smiled "Reg is our lead architect here at Alexandria" I nodded "Oh very cool. So you built these walls?" He nodded "With the help from my boys" I looked behind his shoulder catching sight of Tara "Excuse for a moment" I walked past him walking over to Tara "Hey baby you disappeared on me"

She turned drinking a beer "You seemed busy" I frowned "I wanna introduce you to Deanna Monroe and her husband Reg" she nodded "Lead the way" We walked over to the Monroe's "Mr. and Mrs. Monroe this is my girlfriend Tara Chambler darlin' this is Deanna Monroe and Reg Monroe" Deanna's eyes widen "Pleasure to meet you dear" Tara extended her hand "The pleasures all mine. Sammy here has talked very highly of you"

The older woman smiled "Well she's a very hard worker" I blushed looking at the front door while they continued to talk "She's very kind yes" I looked back at them "Isn't that right darling?" I nodded "Uhhuh" They both laughed "Well I'm gonna let you two enjoy the party, Samantha I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled wrapping my arm around Tara's waist "Yes ma'am" They both disappeared talking to other guest, "Whats wrong?"

I turned back to her "I haven't seen Harper" She kissed my shoulder "She's with Maggie and Glenn you have nothing to worry about" I nodded "I know but she's still my baby" She smiled "Lets get a drink in you" We walked over to Rosita who was drinking some beer "Hey killer" She smiled "Hey lovers" I ate some of the crackers that were out "Feels like everything before the world fell" I nodded "I know" I looked around the party seeing Maggie talking to Noah

"Hey babe you talk to Noah right?" She nodded "Ya, he's a great dude" I kept staring "Why?" I shrugged "He's the reason my sisters dead" she sighed "No he's not. Your sister died because of an accident" I turned to her "She died because of him" She sighed "Baby no she didn't. I'm just telling you the truth"

I shook my head "It should've been him" I set my plate down walking out the front door. I walked down the dark street hearing somebody running after me "Sam wait up" I turned seeing Glenn with Harper, "What?" He frowned "You left without saying goodbye" I clenched my jaw "I'm not in the mode to party anymore" He sat my daughter down "Wanna take a little walk? Just the three of us?" I thought for a few moments "Sure, why not" He smiled "Cool"

We started walking,"You cold baby?" I looked down at Harper who was shivering slightly, she shook her head no making me giggle, I put my jacket over her before picking her up, "All better?" She nodded, we walked past our house "Sam" I stopped looking at Tara who was walking down the street "What?" She walked closer "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have talked about Beth and it wasn't my place"

I just looked at her "I know you miss her but Noahs not the reason. He feels bad for what happened, he morns her too" I clenched my jaw "My baby sister is gone and he gets to see this place? She would have loved it" She reached out for me "Lets go home and talk about this" I sighed looking at Glenn "You go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled thanking him softly "Say bye bye to uncle Glenn" Harper waved at him making me smile

When we got to the house Tara opened the door holding it for me "Thanks" She nodded shutting it, Harper was already sleeping by the time we got home "I'm gonna go put her down" She tilted her head "Do you want help?" I smiled "Sure" We walked into our room, Tara undid the bed for her putting pillows on ether side. I placed her between them, talking her shoes off "She's adorable" I looked at my daughter pushing her hair out of her face "Thanks"

I felt a soft kiss against my shoulder "I'm gonna be in the living room" I nodded watching my daughter sleep. I walked into the living room grabbing water frown the kitchen, Tara placed her book down leaning over the edge of the couch "Whats wrong" I sighed "A lot of things, I miss daddy, I miss Beth. They would have loved this place" She nodded, "My sister would have loved it here too. But at least you have your daughter"

I drank my water sitting next to her "Ya I know. Don't get me wrong I'm glad she's okay, but daddy and Beth" She rested her hand on my thigh "Lets watch a movie and cuddle, forget about all this" I shook my head "I don't wanna be touched right now" She nodded, retracting her hand "Okay" I wanted to cry "I'm uh, I want to uh" She tilted her head waiting patiently "Take your time baby"

I took a deep breath "I just want to go to sleep" She nodded "Okay, lets go to bed" We walked into the bedroom, I went into the bathroom splashing cold water over my face. I walked out seeing her putting on pajamas. I walked behind her wrapping my arms around her waist "Hey" I didn't say anything kissing her shoulder, "Let me finished getting dressed okay" I kissed the back of her neck "Okay" She laughed softly turning to kiss me "I love you, but your daughter sleeping in our bed" I smirked retracting my body from hers

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now