Beautiful Love

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Beutiful Love

'Beautiful Love'

By Lara Yamaguchi
- from
- chapter 1-3.
- fluff to angst maybe
- idk suit yourself
- take care of yourself

Chapter one

I was on top of a roof of my apartment getting myself some fresh air. After what happened between my ex partner and i, i really needed some fresh hair. 'Gosh i wish i could just jump off from here and kill myself so i can start a new life..' i thought to myself while looking down from the rooftop. I was just there thinking and thinking what i'm gonna do next. What's gonna happen? What will happen in the future? When suddenly somebody tapped me on the shoulders. "Hey, are you okay?" Somebody asked me. I turned around and saw a 6'3 foot man. He wears glasses and has a dark brown hair. He's wearing a red jacket and has one of his hand inside of the pocket. "Yes, i'm okay. Who are you?" I asked him raising an eyebrow. He smirked and joined me for fresh air. "Heh, don't need to know my name. It's not like after this we'll see eachother again" he respond.


         Those words reminds me of someone i know. But who? I stopped thinking when he asked me a question. "What's your name?" He asked while looking at me. Our eyes met but i turned away and respond "If i don't need to know who you are then you don't need to know who i am either." I replied to his question. I looked back at him and he looked quite upset. "Why are you up here? Darryl?" He asked. I stood there with eyes dropped to the ground when i heard him say my name. "H-How do you know my nam-" "your nametag on your coat" ah right, i was wearing my work coat. "Well, today after work my partner.. well. My ex partner and i got into a fight. Like we usually do. He would get mad at me for small things and does nothing but watches TV all day!" I said to this random person as if i know who they are. "Well he sounds like an asshole." He said. "Watch your tone sir. I don't like swearing." I said to him with an angry voice. He apologised and started to tell me about him. "I'm Dave. I was just walking by this apartment and saw you. You looked like you were about to jump off the roof! So i guess i ran up the stairs and tried to save your life?" "By tapping on my shoulders? Pft- you're and idiot"

      I said giggling like a stupid cat. He laughed as well knowing it was stupid. He looked at me up and down. Some what this man so called "Dave" looks way mysterious than ever. It's like a villain in undercover. I looked at him up and down and started speaking. "Are you like a villian in disguise?" I asked which replied with shaking his head side to side. I laughed. "Sorry,that was a stupid question i know.." "Stupid? It's more of a funny one." He laughed it off. I smiled at him. His laugh was adorable. "Well do you wanna sit? There's a chair for us to sit right there?" He pointed out the way and i agreed to his offer. We walked towards the chairs and sat down. There was an awkward silence between us both when he started to speak. "Y'know, you're pretty cute." He said. I blushed a little at his compliment "thank you Dave. You're very adorable yourself"
I complimented him back which to my surprise he turned way red than i did. I laughed at him and pointed out that his face was red as a tomato. "S-SHUT UP!!" We both laughed. Suddenly he had a phone call and immediately picked it up. "Hello Dave here. Hm? Ouh.. Okay i'll be there" he hung up the phone. "Sorry Darryl i have to go i'll see you. If we ever see eachother again if that's for sure" "Right, have a great night Dave" "You too" He went towards the stairs and disappeared. Will i see him again?

                          Chapter Two

It's been a month or two i haven't seen Dave. It's weird how he's always in my head. I was in my office doing some work when suddenly one of my workers came in. "Sir, there's someone here wants to see you." "Who are they?" "He didn't say his name but he did say that he knows you" "bring him in" i told her. I'm pretty sure it's my ex-partner or one of my friends. Surely enough the man came in my office. He looks 6'3 tall, wears glasses and- wait. "DAVE?!" I yelled in shock. "Damn it you still remember how i look. How's it been Darryl? Long time no see" "What in the name of world are you doing here?? How'd you know i work here? Who told you i work here-" "Chill with the questions mate. I got it from someone named uhhh. Zak or whatever his name is" Zak? That stupid ex-partner of mine?! i sat up from my seat "What do you want?"

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