Chapter 1: Introduction

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Monday 7th January

Nobody Pov

13-year-old Hideo moves their finger through their minty blue hair as they sit down in the cafeteria next to their best friend Charlotte Raven.

"What favors are you planning today Hideo? Also, have you heard about another person going missing in our year group? You know that George dude" Hideo nodded as they took out their files.

"Of course I have. Charlotte this is been normal in our school now. You should be used to it. I am. I'm just doing the favors I normally do doing people's homework and doing various tasks for them"

Charlotte grabbed on to their best friend's hand. "You should use your smart brain for something else Hideo, not doing school for people. You should focus on yourself. Why do you need money right now anyway? We're only going right now!"

Hideo pulled away as they began to do someone's homework. "Because I don't want to be dependent on my parents. You know that I like to be independent. I've learnt the hard way that you can't rely on the people you love. It's just difficult to do that"

Charlotte sighed. "Maybe we can make some new friends or a friend? How about the people you do favors for? We can try and become friends with-"

"I don't need anybody else. I have enough people. My parents you. You guys are fine and don't you worry about those missing people it won't happen to you"

Charlotte took someone's homework from Hideo as she waved it. "You don't know that Hideo. That person out there could come after me! Could come after you!"

Hideo looked at their best friend with a death stare. "Maybe they will if you don't give me that homework back. Diana is expecting it first thing in the first lesson!"

"Hideo you need to tell people you're taking a break. This is exhausting you and your brain you aren't ok. Why don't you ever tell me anything?"

"It's not significant Charlotte, I can handle my problems and I am not exhausted from doing favors alright? I get enough sleep I'm ok. Stop worrying about me. I know we're friends but please you aren't my carer"

[Charlotte's Pov]

Hideo always lacks emotions. All I know is that they had a rough past. They have never gone into detail about it just mentioned it once. We've known each other since JHS 1. They can show emotions at times if they think it's necessary or they want to but apart from that nada.

I'm also scared because starting last year people from our year mostly have gone missing and have never been found.

It's been rumoured that if you've been doing bad things or even if you are a good person the kidnapper doesn't care who they take as long as they get a thrill out of it. I'm always afraid it'll be me one day.

I know Hideo will protect me because they are a good fighter. I've witnessed it. They don't care if they get into trouble. It's almost like they are a robot. Apart from that my best friend's personality is what a best friend could ask for.

"Hideo, how many favors have you done already?"

"20. Why?"

"Can I help?"

"I can do it myself. You probably wouldn't know some of the stuff"

I'm happy they only do our year group and not older year groups.

I sigh as it's nearly time to go to homeroom; then afterwards first period. We got up grabbing our bags Hideo went first.

Also, I've always wondered about that kid who is about 6 foot and why he's considered to be the 'social butterfly but the weird kid.' Everyone is weird in their way. Even Hideo.

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