Chapter 24: Not Great

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[Tatsuo's Pov]

D: You've fucked up this time. This is why you can't keep anyone. Why you are better of alone like you did say?

"D, please. Hideo didn't leave me alone!"

D: This is your fault. You're gaining emotions. You care for that smart ass and their friend. Charlotte is not thrilled with you.

"Hideo is upset too. I'm gonna see if they need anything"

D: I wouldn't. They wouldn't want you around. You aren't comforting to them. Tatsuo sticks to what your good at. Drugs & murdering being a cannibal.

"They seem comfortable around me"

D: People lie in the world Tatsuo.

"Fuck off. You've been assed since I became friends with Hideo"

D: You're becoming untouchable fast. Excuse me for feeling insecure about my competition.

"What on the hell?"

D: They are taking you away from me.

"They aren't. I'm stuck with you"

D: There he is...

I take my axe and flip it and run onto the street to the ally my head feeling behind as I felt my blood pumping.

[Charlotte's Pov]

Me: Hideo. I'm sorry come over I wanna talk.

Me: Hideo?

Hideo: Fine.

Time Skip

My bedroom door swung open Hideo kicked it closed.

"Hey. I know you want to talk about what happened earlier" Hideo sat at the end of the bed as I'd rub my eye.

"I do. Hideo I shouldn't of-"

"It wasn't you Charl. You didn't know I would have been triggered by you telling me to give context"

I breathed grabbing my pen and interlocking it between my fingers moving them. "I kicked off at Tatsuo because he knows your personal experience and not me"

Hideo turned. "You what? Charlotte what did you say?"

"I called him a drug addict; said I would put my lamp in his head. He was trying to make me feel lighten up"

Guilt. What ever human has? I know that some claim they don't but in your consciousness there is.

"This was because you're pissed I never told you about that situation? Tatsuo promised to stay clean"

"He told me and YEAH WE HAVEN'T KNOWN THE GUY FOR A WEEK?!" I remind Hideo but they know about everything.

"Charlotte. Have you ever realised anyone can form a connection with anyone who puts the same effort into making a friendship work? That's what happened with me and Tatsuo"

"I should apologise to him?" I twist my hair Hideo approves.

"He didn't do anything wrong. You do need to apologise to him"

"Have you seen Tatsuo Hideo?"

Hideo took out their phone scrolling my dad knocked on the door. "Charlotte honey come downstairs quickly Hideo you as well t-this is important!"

Dad sounded concerned but why? We went downstairs and I heard the TV talking about an incident on a street, serial killer?

Mom is frantic pacing up and down. "Hideo would you like to stay with us tonight? I called your parents; they are ok with you being here"

[Hideo's Pov]

I focused on the TV blocking anything around me. "The unknown killer has struck again after dead bodies were found in a trail but no leads have been found to still identify who it is. Please keep indoors"

"Will this mean school to be closed temporarily?" Charlotte looked at me.

"If it continues?"

I'm unsure. I need my thought process to have time. Serial killer...bodies. Tatsuo is doing this. I have to find him. This is worse than yesterday. He's killing anyone he sees.

"I have to go"

"Hideo! It's not safe out there I don't want you to die!" Charlotte grabbed my hand.

I think of an excuse to leave to buy some time. If I'm staying here tonight, I'll need extra pair of clothes.

"I have to get my extra pair of clothes and toothbrush"

"Hideo honey it'll be ok for one night," Mrs Raven said.

"It won't take ages! Charl I'll come back I promise"

"You're looking for Tatsuo. Aren't you?" Charlotte sighed.

"I am. I don't want that killer getting him" This is misinformation. He's the killer.

Charlotte hugs me walking me to the door. "Be back or I'll drag you here"


Tatsuo you fucking have a lot to say.

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