Chapter 19: Revise Or Murder?

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[Hideo's Pov]

"Class, this Monday coming you will have the assignment to do. Make sure to revise on the weekend as it could be anything we have learnt so far" Sir spoke writing down the topics that need to be revised.

Tatsuo writes these down and so does Charlotte as I join in. I want to see what Tatsuo will decide. If we go out to murder tonight or to revise for this upcoming assignment but it can be done tomorrow; Sunday.

"Hey, guys we should go over to my house to revise!" Charlotte suggests as I wait for Tatsuo to speak.

"I'm busy tonight Charlotte. I can tomorrow" Tatsuo answered as she put her arm on her cheek wanting a full reply.

"What are you doing tonight? Can I come?" She inquired.

"Tatsuo and I have plans it's for us two only you can't join Charlotte no girls allow"

Charlotte looked at the clock putting her hands down from side to side. "No fair. I wanted to hang out with you guys after school"

"We can all spend time with each other on Saturday" I pat her shoulder as she smiled.

"Alright Hideo"

[Hideo's Pov]

"Are you ready for our spee Tatsuo?"

"Fuck yeah"

We're at his house planning our detailed attack. "'No wittinesses left behind, no fingerprints anything"

"Hideo, I'm not new to this, stop treating me like I have no idea how to murder"

I chuckle finishing writing. "I'm not I'm giving you a recall if you had your memory slip"

"Recall? Your words are still so confusing Hideo" Tatsuo pointed out as I'd pretend to act offended.

"Personal question coming up, how come you find a lot of simple words puzzling?" It's a genuine question, I've never met somebody who doesn't know what words define.

Tatsuo checks the guns flipping his axe as he stands in front of me. "I didn't get an education when I was younger"

Blunt. There's more to reveal. "And? That can't be all why didn't you?"

"My parents didn't allow me to go. Idk the legal side of stuff or the backstory of it. I stayed at home all day every day unless on events my family decided to take me"

He should have had the same opportunities. This isn't fair for him. "They can burn in hell then. Do you know where they are?"

"Last time I saw them is when I was getting kicked out. After I turned 10 and I did start to go to school for a short period. No clue if they are alive and living in a different country. Enough about me we have everything done. Let's get to murdering. I'm running low on my food"

"Ok Tatsuo" I don't want to push him, I've done that a lot.

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